I have a question:
On the website slideshow, it showed numerous people in the dojo who had their backs and chests lacerated. There was one picture that seemed to show someone being flogged by a club spiked with nails. http://www.aikijiujitsukungfu.com/images/albums/NewAlbum_200b3/tn_50.jpg
What is going on here? What is the purpose of this? Aren’t these people just exposing themselves to tetanus?
I have to confess, there are a lot of things that send up red flags about this school. The rather, how to say, liberal interpretation of history (saying that Aikijujutsu kung fu is 2600 hundred years old) is a bit upsetting, but this type of marketing is (sadly) almost universal in martial arts. The mentioning of “ninja skills” and “poison hands” is common amongst gimmicky martial arts instructors. Could you elaborate on exactly what these mean in context of the class?
The prices seem ridiculously high - 25 dollars a class? At two classes a week, that’s 200 dollars a month. I personally pay ninety dollars a semester to learn Jiujiutsu (then again, I train at a University club :P). Even large gyms in expensive cities that offer daily classes seem to rarely get over 150/month in tuition.
“The Hunt” strikes me as a bit indulgent in paranoid fantasism. What purpose does it serve? Why would you actually want people to come after you and try to abduct and torture you?
Could you describe to us what the training in this school is like? Specifically, how often do you spar, and under what rulesets do you spar? Do you teach groundfighting, or is it only a stand-up system? It mentions in the flyers that you do weapon training… do you spar with weapons? How does this usually go?
Do not question Sensei Stitches’ training techniques! Obviously you are not worthy of his time as your comprehension of teh TRUE ART is zero! Go back to your non-mace katas and silly yu-gi-oh pachinko dojo. Only TRUE Aiki JuJitsu Kung Fu’ers are immune to the deadly tetanus. Lockjaw is for sucky _ing _un’ners!
Yes, you need to confess you sins to Sensei. He will assign you a path of Nunjistu Fu Redemption. Obey the machete!
Poison hands = your death. Ninja skills = your death. Why don’t you stop by for a demo?
If you have not the funds for training, you can save money and live in Sensei’s van down by the river. Off teh grid, beeotch!
Next hunt vicitm: TheMightyMcClaw. We know where you live! (Unless you are outside of the tri-state area, then we’ll have to send our shadow ninjas to hunt you. Sensei’s van isn’t running right now – we can only travel by train.)
Only the Sensei has teh TRUE ART and sick control to wield the deadly weapons – so only he can spar against students. And students aren’t allowed to fight back because the techniques are too deadly and we might hurt ourselves.