my mother knows bitch fu

and she uses me as her paunching bag man if i had my way …

you probably derserve it

Get a job, save money, move out of home.

Problem solved

But… but… what if he BREEDS?!

and show some respect

Why the fuck are you making these useless threads?

He got booted out of the CMA style forum and was shown to be a 15 year old troll.

yeah but you see i plan to join the UFC some day so i Gota make sure and from what i have seen on the ufc KUNG FU sucks so should i get lern mauy thi or should i stay if i knew no one used kung fu in UFC or pride i would not have join in the first place

Yet he turned around and later asked about an MMA gym.

Should we temp ban him until he finds a MMA gym?

Why not temp ban him until he can form a coherent sentence?

lol thanks guys

We aren’t joking. You’re posts are crap and make our eyes bleed they are so stupid.

Thats a lawyer telling you that you are a sad specimen of human being. A lawyer.

You would attack your own mother?

My mother has very hardened hands from working and once bitch slapped me so hard one of my eyes closed over. I deserved it because I stole a bottle of wine.

She has also been the one to bake the best chocolate cake in the multiverse, look after me when I’ve been sick in any way and still rings me about twice a day even though she lives in Victoria and I live in Queensland. You savvy geography?

Let me quote a Welshman who adopted Indian culture and practises Eight Spiritual Monkey God Boxing.

“You SHALL not raise your hand to your mother for she gave you life!”

Give me address of your kwoon. I’m writing to your sifu saying you wish to attack your own mother.

Can we lock this guy in Trollshido for life? No conjugal visits. Ever

Pizza, when Angry Spastic is actuially succesfully owning you on a thread, you know its just p[lain bad



please dont ban me i know we got off on the wrong foot but cant we start over please ill try not to do any typos or be an idiot or a troll ill even delete this thread and pretend it never happend please i dont even know what a troll is im just a noob have mercy

Ban for being a pussy?

ill shutup now… you seem to ban me for anything i say

No, we rip the piss out of you for everything you say…frankly I could give a fuck if you get banned as long as you stop posting retarded shite.

So, yeah we can start over - welcome (back) to Bullshido!

my mum worked as a mental health nurse for about 20 years. she is like 5’4, but still knows how to get 6’4 200 pound mental patients to do exactly what they are told… I wouldn’t step in the ring with her thats for sure