and she is specifically angry at fitness women who think they can do whatever they want. my mom said she would try to punch the women here if they farted by her becuz white women do not hit back, and she would hit u anna. u are probly stronger than my mom, but she wouldnt let a white woman fart by her.
i’m not understanding what you’re getting at. what does this have to do with bullshit ma?
to tell the white women here that my mom would try to punch them if they farted by her becuz my mom doesnt think white women hit back.
my mom said that you’re not as funny as you think
You suck at trolling; your funny is broken; you fucking write like a teenager types text messages; and you are a racist pig. k thx bye.
hahahaha, a mamma’s boy
im not trying to be funny.
Which then makes this mildly amusing. How ironic.
…because if a white women hit your mom back, she would be tried with a hate crime and get a double stiff sentence. It is racist to be saying what your are, but yes you can say it!
U fail at t3h int3rw3b!
i think its becuz white women cannot fight becuz they dont have dense bones like black women and they are more fragile.
see, when a white guys says anything about race or double standard that exists, he get screwed. I went from a Geen varrot to a red one in one post!!!
Cause race is important in self defense cases? Nice racist persecution complex you got there sparky.
my mom said I should post this picture to make this thread worth looking at:
you guys should thank her
can’t thank her if i don’t know her name (also can’t download potentially nuder pics of her either)
you cant download pics nude pics of my mom, not without paying at least, for now you’ll just have to be satisfied with this:
damn nappy headed ho
yup, i said it.
– EDIT –
No particular reason why I posted this… other that I like this woman. :tongue3:
Damn two stupid race baiters on one thread.