My last post for a while

Dear Friends,

This will come as a shock to those of you who know me well but I have
made the monumental decision to cut off all my contacts with the internet and the outside world as I have so far know it.

There are a number of reasons, but the major contributor for these actions has been what I would call ‘my calling’ to make a difference. I’ve been communicationg with a volunteer guerrilla/activist group in Tibet, who are fighting for freedom and justice against all odds. I don’t believe a man can look himself in the mirror without shame if he never, for once, put everything on the line for something worth fighting. As a result, I’ve decided to join them.

Many of you will think I’m nuts, but I’ve thought about this thoroughly for quite sometime. Whatever the outcome, I believe this is the right decision, that this is right for me.

Nothing you can say or do will stop me doing what I truly believe in. Wish me luck as I wish you luck as well. I hope to see you (or chat with you) again when the battle is won…(I am attaching a photo of the group)

See you when it is over.


You’re doing a good thing, Macho. Don’t ever forget that.

Macho, PM me asap.

Sorry to bust you, but I’ve seen enough pornos to know the landscape in the background is actually in southern California. Not Tibet.

That being said, YOU SHALL NOT FIGHT ALONE BROTHER! Where do I sign?

You had me for a minute there dude.


Girls with Gunz – someone should start a thread…

Dammit, TEM I told you to round up a “posse”.

Hahahaha, meeshunn accomplished :slight_smile:

I was had by a friend of mine almost 6 years ago with a similar e-mail (but he had Cuba instead of Tibet.) Somehow I just remember I still had the e-mail with the attached picture. I had me completely like “shit, he’s going to kill Fidel” up to the point where I saw the picture.

This is what I get for posting from an EnV.

We haz r being had?

So you haven’t seen the picture of the rebels yet??? Oh man, you don’t know what you are missing!


You know, I could join a good cause… wonder if the wife would object ;p

I will rape your kittens for this.

If it’d been anyone else, I would’ve dismissed it immediately, but considering you’re a Contra, I almost took it seriously.

Dammit, I was totally buying into that. I was wondering about your sanity publically posting that for Chinese Intel to read…


Fuck you?

Dude, get me the brunette’s number