Girl: what kind of hand wraps would you recomend, i had a nice pair, but idn what happened to them
Me: I wish I knew
Me: real wraps are hard to come by around here
Me: sports authority blows
Me: as does models
Me: they sell those shitty everlast ones
Girl: yea i know
Me: like wrapping your hands with plastic rope
Girl: they suck
Me: laced with wall insulation
Me: on a hot day
Me: and you’re like wearing sweat pants and a hoodie
Me: and you’re thinking, why the fuck did I buy these wraps?
Girl: lmao
Me: and why the fuck am I dressed like this?
Me: it’s freaking hot
Does this really belong in Strikeistan: Striking Discussion Forum?
You psychotic son of a bitch! I’ll oughtta mace you!
Is there a more suiting forum for gear discussion? goes back to the main forum, and cringes hoping he won’t find an equipment sub-forum
Nope, didn’t see one. So where do the “Hai guyz! What kind of gi to buy?” threads go? Well besides here
I use nothing but the everlast wraps. one pair per hand. They work ok for me. Ashly likes the streatchy revgear or combat sports type better, but hey, whatever.
I used them in my fight. They sufficed and got the job done. I still think their complete lack of elastic qualities makes them irritating and defeats the purpose.