so i was showing my mates girlfriend my newest invention and she thinks its hilarious. said it made the day worthwhile. my gay friend thinks i should get on the news with it. so without further ado i present the sexual assault vehicle-
youtube videos are coming as soon as me and my flatmate get drunk and take footage at the local foodtown again.
Well, sure… I suppose not. Though also not in any part of the US with which I’m familiar.
I suppose I should have asked:
“Is ‘trolley’, as in a streetcar, or a hand-truck operating on a track, perhaps in a mine or a quarry, also used colloquially to mean ‘shopping cart’ in the UK, NZ, Austrailia or other points outside the US?”
… but I didn’t want to be verbose (or pedantic).
Also, is that sketch an accurate depiction of the trolley in question or just a rough draft. Here, they look like this:
…and holding a reverse mount while making the necessary pelvic gyrations would seem difficult.
Most people in Aussie + NZ say or know trolley as a shopping cart, unless i guess the other meanings you listed are implied… Dunno bout the UK.
Sorry if my answer seemed blunt.
As for the necessary gyrations i’m not really qualified to answer. It’s probly some odd Kiwi thing they do pretty often. They are quite odd over there.
Hmmm… My ex-gf is down there now on a summer (winter for you, I guess) fellowship. She told me she’s having a “fantastic time” there. I wonder if that’s what she’s talking about…
Lol… I spent three months there this time of year a few years ago, though odd- its pretty safe.( South Island is really beautiful round now too. )
This i never saw. But i never really spent alot of time drunk in foodland carparks so…
Well, the basic gist of the “Sexual Assault Vehicle” seems to be that you stand backwards on the back of a shopping cart (or trolly) and then thrust with your hips to make it move in the direction you’re facing. The “Sexual Assault” part then comes and you roll toward your victim with your pelvis reaching for them in a menacing and/or suggestive manner. It’s truly brilliant in it’s simplicity.
Now, I propose that you find a girl, who is even MORE heavily inebriated and put her on the back of a cart (trolley) of her own, facing , that’s right, TOWARD THE FRONT. She must then thrust her booty (bum) outward thus moving her toward the oncoming pelvic assault from the first cart.
A cart so mounted by a comely lass moving in such a fashion shall be referred to as a “Sexual Response Vehicle”.
Alex and I have just invented the greatest new game of the 21st Century!!!
yeah thats pretty much it however you are actually moving the trolley by rolling the wheels with your feet, which requires you to gyrate your hips back up so you can roll them back down again. protip- if you are a big guy this could be really hard since your weight at times will be almost entirely on your arms which are bent at a backwards angle