My GF's cousin beat her up again

interesting advice from a cop…

See my edited post above yours

Well Well Well at least you aren’t saying “Black” man anymore. I guess all you bannings are teaching you something.

When are you going to start posting the black gay porn?

Then again, look at your name.

most ‘clever’ posters fell for this obvious trolljob.
so its sorta funny.

You know what I would do? I would take your girlfriend and beat the shit out of her. Then I would tell that dude that every time he beats the shit out of your girlfriend your going to beat the shit out of his cousin to get even.

YouTube - How Polish men fight Funny video

Let me guess…“skinnywhiteboy” and the “Black Gs” and “Biafrans” again?

That was the shit , that was great

oyinbo oyinbo man and a few others.

OK…I thought so.
Just wanted to make sure my memory isn’t getting fuzzy and playing tricks on me.

This guy is a long time poster at t-nation (kliplemet) and most of his posts are like this.

But not always.