My eyes are bleeding:

I also wasted a lot of time and talent at ArlingtonMMA. Frank insturctors with a class of 30 or more, would tell the class about his K1 champion kickboxing career. His record “was 33-3” Being off the streets with only some Judo which was from a real martial art gym, where you are trained with respect and honor, I should have know better about this one. In this class of 30 plus people, Wes Chan lied to all of us. We believed what he told us, cuz hell, I ain’t never seen anyone lie to that many people and get away with it. Frank backed his story up for several months. When I first started at ArlingtonMMA, I was great fighter, shit I still am. The longer I tranined with ArlingtonMMA,I began to see that he was full of shit. One of his instructors, which was supposed to be his fight coach, would come up and ask me for money for school clothing, registration fees for fights, etc., along with everyone else in the class. Those of us who gave him money, never recieved any of those things promised. I tried to keep my cool as I watched everyone else come up and confront the guy for his stuff. He would say, oh they mailed it to wrong address. This went on for months. They do not care about their students. I broke my bones the first 2 weeks I was there because no body taught me the proper way to kick or punch, and sent me out there to spar 100% with no padding with guys that wieghed 50-100 pounds more than me. With my heart, I still showed up to training everyday for several months until my bones healed. The reason why was because they told me I was going to be on a reality show. MMA vs. Wrestling. Come to find out it was all a lie. Not to mention all the money I spent in doctor bills. I gave everything I had to make ths happen. It was my dream. There was other instuctors that I did not have any problems training under. I told Frank that I could not take this instructors BS anymore. Frank told me no, you need to stick with him. The other instructor I wanted to train under, Frank tells me this, this and that. Well, come to find out that instructor was BS too. He was supposed to be some kind of pro. boxer and couldn’t even hold mits right. Not to mention all the exhibition fights he set me up, were way out of my class. One I was 175 and he other guy was 230. Frank also told me that one was going to be televised. So I took it. The other one was that I did not have a record and not a whole lot of experiance, and I faught a light heavy wieght champion. When I was a welter wieght. I told them I did not want to do it because I was injured and on medication. They told me they just wanted to see a show and I could do it. It was an exhibition fight. As to all the rumors about the staff infections. That is true. I also wonder why I never seen all the pros that were listed on his web site at his gym. I was there for a year consistantly. Out of all the people that came through that school, there was only 4 fighters. That were really good and had good skills. I never seen anyone, the instructors that is, actually train these fighters. They came just to use the facilities. These fighters were more like instructors than fighters to me. I actually learned more from them than I did from any of Franks “INTRUCTORS.” By the way I never ever seen Frank show anyone or have anything to offer as far as martial arts goes. It was only talked about. There was also a bunch of punks who were up there. These guys were the real arlington fighters. These guys did drugs, cussed infront of small children, and showed no respect what so ever for people or for the sport. I finally asked those four fighters who was their coach and where were they training at. It was clear it was not ArlingtonMMA. They all pointed me in the right direction. I told Frank I had to go. He still tried to hold me back and told me that these guys were just fighters who trained themselves. This period of my training was the biggest waste of time.

My eyes are bleeding:

Frank Nguyen is a fuking Fellon and that is all his train is his fellon buddys. the School sucks anyways he is a self proclaim MMA… He needs to get the fuk out of here with that chit. Yes if you run a background check on Frank you will sell his fellon

My eyes are bleeding:

Frank Nguyen is a fuking Fellon and that is all his train is his fellon buddys. the School sucks anyways he is a self proclaim MMA… He needs to get the fuk out of here with that chit. Run your background check before you check this fuker out…

First, nice necro.

Second, your post is nearly incoherent.

He sounds like a real supervillain.

I think my brain just exploded.

OK. Everyone needs to just calm down and click the ‘Back’ button nice and slowly. Don’t read anything, just go back to the previous page. Reading past the first line or two may cause permanent neural damage.

Arlington MMA in TX: Attention Must Read! - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

The thread title fits perfectly, I laughed

This was - by far - the most unintentionally funny thing I read in a while.




They all pointed me in the right direction

What was the “right direction” you were pointed in?

[QUOTE=GIburner;2537777]What was the “right direction” you were pointed in?[/QUOTE]

hey dont poke fun.
if you wanna be a great fighter you gotta give a little orafice.

edit: go through a little orafice?

help me out here…

He is missing his market with MMA. Imagine how well he would go with the RSBD crowd advertising that all of his instructors are 100% certified felons.

So is this franc nguyen guy really BS?

There is no belt system in MMA (the championship belt is the only belt I’m after as the douchebags of mma say), and so many amatuer wanna-be UFC MMA organizations pop up and go outta business its probably eaiser to say you were an international undergound MMA champ (Underground Kumite ala bloodsport??) Is he talking about Frank Nguyen or Frank Dux?