My advice is better than your advice

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2789364]Don’t do this Hadzu, it’s not your place and the guy isn’t being dangerous, only annoying

Hurting him will only haunt you, unless you’re some kind of psycho

As has been said before talk to him about it, and if that fails talk to your instructor[/QUOTE]

Only a couple of morons would believe that I was suggesting that he hurt him.

You are one such moron, Atheistmantis the other. Apparently you both practice the kinder, gentler judo.

I wouldn’t want to learn judo from either of you, that’s for sure.

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2789412]Tell a teenager to ‘Throw him hard till he leaves’ is asking for injuries

If it weren’t a judo class I might agree. It’s a judo (sorry jujutsu) class, however, and in judo (jujutsu aarrghh) you don’t throw the teenagers or the wall flowers or the unmotivated ukes any easier than you would anyone else.

Who actually tries to throw people lightly in j_____??? White belts who hurt their uke, that’s who. It’s happened to me.

Call me names if you like wabbit, but think before you dish out advice to young people

If you ever thought before you posted, you’d post 90% less than you do and would not have been banned once already.

I advised him to throw his undermotivated training partner hard. I would have also advised him to throw his overmotivated training partner hard.

Incidentally, what experience and rank do you hold in judo?[/QUOTE]

I have a few years of training, through the UMASS athletic department in the late 90s, which was run by a (very skilled) local judo club instructor and his seniors. I was close to green belt (close to joining his off campus club, in fact) when I was injured and had to stop going.

I don’t try to instruct people on proper judo technique on Bullshido. But I know enough about judo and judo injuries to know what I meant when I said “Throw him hard until he leaves, or decides to become better at what he’s doing.”

Hell, Hadzu just pointed out it’s not even judo (sorry about that Hadzu, that is my stupidity). It wouldn’t change my answer at all, and neither does your bullshit where you claim I am suggesting he throw the kid through a window or something.


No disrespect to you. You seem a good bit more mature than the Wabbit

Good luck with your training[/QUOTE]

You are the last person on Bullshido who should be judging anyone’s maturity.

Again, if anyone thinks when I say “throw hard” referring to judo I mean to hurt someone, fuck you. I thought we were on Bullshido.

NeilG is the ONLY person here qualified to say I’m wrong, so to him I tip my hat.

For fuck sake, will you two stop squabbling. You’re polluting the thread, this ain’t YMAS.

And don’t say, “oh okay, my bad blabla” either. Just stop the bullshit.

Thank you.

You two are like brothers. Ya’ll were just smooching each other goodbye in the VIP seckshun.