munching protein powder makes me gag

i was wondering whats the difference with mixing the protein with water then drink it and just dump the powder mouth and add water?

i just dumped the powder in mouth and just flush it in with water or milk but today someone at my gym looked at me for a while and then told you shouldnt do that its not good for you…

munching protein powder makes me gag


They probably think you’re nuts, that’s all…

i dont know but i heard that protein powder is just powder with protein in so if i put it in my mouth and just swallow it it should have the same effect right? stirring/shaking/blenders can be very troublesome…


Have you ever aspirated a powder?

I want to say no, you haven’t because otherwise you wouldn’t be doing this. However, you are you. I wouldn’t put it past you that you have actually aspirated powder, yet still don’t make the connection why this is a bad thing.

Does that work?
I normally drink the milk or water first, then put protein powder in my mouth afterwards.

whats that???

Ladies and gentleman of the jury and your honor, the prosecution rests.

I held back on this one for a little while but I couldn’t help it…

Hey guys, how do you normally like to take your protein? I have never tried truepwrz’s method yet. Is it good lol?

I normally like to bake my protein powder into chunks. I normally to add water and make freezies. I normally like to snort my protein powder off a mirror. I normally like to bathe in protein powder so I can absorb it through osmosis.

you could???

my method taste kinda weird first time because the powder has weaker taste for some weird reasons and is very dry even after you add water some still stick to your mouth dont know why either but overall i think its pretty fast…

still didnt really get an answer… whats the real difference(in terms of effect with you body)

Did you eat lead paint chips off the windowsill as a child?

whats the real difference(in terms of effect with you body)

no difference, except one way gets protein powder all up in your teeth. I don’t want to imagine what flossing is like for you.

The proper method is to:

A) Place powder in mouth
B) Add water to mouth
C) Shake head violently
D) THEN swallow

… no but if you ask for weird experience i ate whole bottle of herbal medicene…

i see thanks

back to training

just incrementally place the powder under your tongue and let it dissolve…it’ll absorb better

no water

Nuke the powder in a microwave for 10 minutes, then dissolve it in lemon juice. The potency is increased at least 5 fold - 10 fold if you are chasing it.

Protein Powder Intake: The Zombie Method:

Grab a live chicken, cut his gut open and fill it with protein powder. Then kick it until it feels mushy, byte its head off and suck the mix of protein and blood (and other internal fluids) down its neck, like a straw.

My protein mix keeps falling out of the wound in the chicken . What do you use to seal the package before kicking ?