Muertard trolling and Font games

I followed this thread for a while, but 53 pages of this shit… yeesh.

So, instead of wading through the usual gang of idiots, I figured I would clue some folks in to the fact that a lot of you grew up seeing Gene Lebell, even if you didn’t know who he was. I didn’t. But last night, I was watching TBS’s nightly run of Married with Children, and damned if he wasn’t the referee in the ring from the
‘Big Bad Momma’ episode. I not only remembered seeing it back in the day, but holy crap!, that’s Gene Lebell.


A little poking through some intertubes revealed he’d been on the show a number of times. Check out our favorite ginger judoka doing the airplane spin in the background of the nudie club fight:


I don’t know if someone mentioned this before. If so, well, watch it again- it’s funny. If not, you’re welcome.

You clue in no one of anything.

One of the only regulars confined to trollshido by Omega and he tries to separate himself from " the usual gang of idiots."

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785167]I followed this thread for a while, but 53 pages of this shit… yeesh.[/QUOTE]
Weird. It’s only 14 pages in my browser.

Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

Woops, I meant for 40 posts per page. It makes large threads much easier to read.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2785169]One of the only regulars confined to trollshido by Omega and he tries to separate himself from " the usual gang of idiots."L-o-L.[/QUOTE] So, I am to assume by your tone that you would prefer I lump myself into your gang of idiots? Well, you know what they say about being the King of Fools. :wink:

[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2785168]You clue in no one of anything.[/QUOTE] I clued in your mom.

So you thought a good way to prove you are not an idiot was to contribute some clips from TV shows in a thread about the fighting ability of Gene Lebell?

Interesting logic…

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785175])[/QUOTE]The fact you have it memorized says it all, your majesty.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785175]So, I am to assume by your tone that you would prefer I lump myself into your gang of idiots? Well, you know what they say about being the King of Fools. ;)[/QUOTE]
Quite a bit of interesting history has been trotted out for Wilson Gaye in this thread, including more than a few clips of Judo Gene in action on the set.

Did you think that publicly stating that you hadn’t read the thread, posting a few video clips and calling everyone an idiot would be met favorably? I ask because of the question in your post I quoted above.

Muerteds, why are you trotting in here and trying to shit on everyone’s fun? The summer just started and we hooked a really big fucking idiot.

Really brah, this asshat has brought me countless joy with his pseudo-scientific method of research and random “I suck my own mom’s asshole fatfish/fishlips blah, blah,blah Gene sucks” postings.

Now you come in, calling us idiots idiots for playing with our new toy? You’re just jelly you are late to the party. Let us have our fun and go back to trollshido.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785176]I clued in your mom.[/QUOTE]

Is there no OC anymore ?!?!

Fuck! Your mom? That is the best your little mind can come up with? Hell Cuddles before he got banned was more original than you.

Shaka, when the walls fell.


Get help here:‎[/QUOTE]

This means, of course, that the Baby Jesus himself blesses the glory that is Comic Sans. Do not anger Baby Jesus.

[QUOTE=jnp;2785182]Quite a bit of interesting history has been trotted out for Wilson Gaye in this thread, including more than a few clips of Judo Gene in action on the set.

Did you think that publicly stating that you hadn’t read the thread, posting a few video clips and calling everyone an idiot would be met favorably? I ask because of the question in your post I quoted above.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I did read some of the thread like I said. I just got bored after a few hundred kicks to the puppy. Your suggestion to increase the number of replies per page is something I should’ve done a while ago. As for calling everyone an idiot- I must admit I figured more people would be familiar with that language from Mad Magazine. But Mr. Fake set them up, and I couldn’t resist knocking them down.

No, but your reading comprehension is abysmal. I simply pointed out that I have been reliving the glorious Nineties with the Bundy family, and lo and behold, Mr. Lebell was right there in the mix. I truly hadn’t known he had done any cameos for them, and thought it was fun to point out.

Catfishaggie, I owe you an apology. I admit I went for the low-hanging fruit and shat up this thread with sub-par smack that wasn’t worthy of an 8th grade lunch table. I vow that in the future, I shall endeavor to make my smack worthy of notation to future Bullies. They shall point to me and say, “That. That is how to demean a man with a keyboard so utterly that his body spontaneously erupts in boils.”

And finally- White Rabbit gets it.

And finally- White Rabbit gets it.[/QUOTE]


Sorry, aren’t you White Rabbit? Is it just W. Rabbit?

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785309]Oh, I did read some of the thread like I said. I just got bored after a few hundred kicks to the puppy. Your suggestion to increase the number of replies per page is something I should’ve done a while ago. As for calling everyone an idiot- I must admit I figured more people would be familiar with that language from Mad Magazine. But Mr. Fake set them up, and I couldn’t resist knocking them down.


Are you a drunk?

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785314]Sorry, aren’t you White Rabbit? Is it just W. Rabbit?[/QUOTE]


I don’t want to talk about it.

[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2785315]Are you a drunk?[/QUOTE]

No. But you obviously have trouble following a train of thought unless it has bound and gagged you to the front of it. Of course, you’d know all about big men binding and gagging you I’m sure.

Now do please go back to making with the sex noises for your big special friend.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2785323]Hey guts, I had this really good inside joke, that only I knew. It failed and now it is your fault.[/QUOTE]
Pretty much why you constantly end up in trollshido.

It Is Fake, it’s nice to see some people never change. You remain a whiny little chihuahua, always yapping at someone’s heels, trying to drag them down with strawman fallacies and red herrings. Don’t ever change, you beautiful bastard.