All the raves they attend appear to be held in shitholes.
And no offence to you peeps out in the ATL, but i saw some shit on TV and ATL kinda looks like a shithole. i mean, like some burnt out detroit lookin ghetto shit. what happened, did the olympics break that towns bank or what?
I’m not hatin’. You should see one of our cities, Surrey. That place looks like some detroit shit too, what with the piles of burnt out cars and all the meth heads runnin around stealin everything thats not nailed down (and some shit that is).
I won’t deny it, Atlanta has some pretty shitty parts of town. There was actually a stabbing at the hip hop club next door the night of the rave. Atlanta has one of the highest crime rates I think.
Of course as far as the “shithole” locations of the raves, that’s really just a matter of raves not being all that popular and the people who put them on not really making enough money to rent out fancy locations. I honestly prefer the grungy, underground locations like abandoned warehouses. It has a more close knit kinda vibe.
I prefer clubs with pool tables and a bartender who knows his drinks, I got over the grungy shithole thing when i was about 17 and stopped fucking total skanks.
not that im implying you lovely ladies are skanks or anything… um… Ill run over here now
US raves seem so much more urbane compared to the UK equivalent, which had mud, scabies, police raids and the dreaded yangers (a bizarre drugged-up cross between a spastic, Nosferatu and a sex offender, in case you were wondering) to keep you entertained. Usually in a barn somewhere in Dorset.
I prefer metal gigs, where I’m charged a small fucking fortune for beer and keep getting told off by irritable Greek girls for blocking the view.
Fuck that. The music is fucking evil. I absolutely hate repitition and sychronicity. Bugs me out and flashes me back into my salvia trip. Thanks for the new phobia Kat. Alone, I can meditate to it, but at the rave, the lights kept eating up my closed eye visuals. Ironically, a buddy just logged on to aim and started to repeat the same story he told me yesterday.