Mr. Jones's Introduction

Hi my user name is Mr. Jones. And I’ve never caused any problems or annoyances on this site. I look forward to meeting the new people on this site and letting the old people I know that I’m posting again. I would say cheers like they do on E-Budo or Aikiweb but those sites are a gigantic ceasspool of faggotry. Anyway hello guys I’m back.

Welcome to Bullshido, the best Martial Arts forum on the entire Internet, Mr. Jones. Seriously, you won’t regret your choice to join us. We’re a great bunch of folks, except for Hannibal. And Sirc. And TaiGip. And MMA Kid. And… well, you get the point.

Fuck you BJJbot.While I’m at it fuck Omega too. Omega how come you never tell me when you come to Dallas to visit your parents. Afraid I’m going to spank you and post it all over the internet.

You should be temp banned for this thread you stupid fuck.

I might enjoy reading a thread where Mr Jones argues with the bullshido bots…

Humanity has already begun to suffer.

Jesus wept

So would you, nailed to a cross…:slight_smile:

that shit hurts!

Hi Dave

This thread is unoffically to talk about how much Omega is a fucking pussy. And how I can bitch slap his ass and get away with it. The Omega slam.

Go fuck yourself

It’s nice to let them win an argument now and then…