HOLLY, Mich., Feb. 6 (UPI) – Three high school boys in Holly, Mich., are accused of taking photographs and videos of girls changing in their locker room.
The Flint (Mich.) Journal reported Friday that a mother of a sophomore at Holly High School said three boys at the school climbed into a locker room ceiling Wednesday and took images of the girls as they changed after gym class.
The girl learned of the alleged filming through friends at school, the newspaper reported.
Police say they are investigating an incident at the school involving a camera phone but did not detail any allegations.
“Today Holly High School officials reported a possible violation of student privacy and potential violation of state law by a Holly High School student,” police said in a statement.
OK OK, before anyone goes on a rant about me accusing someone of this OMG HEINOUS ACT… let me just say that this. is. awesome.
you go, Porky wannabes… you go
I suspect that the kids in question get either suspended/kicked out of school and maybe even brought up on charges. hopefully they only get a slap on the wrist though because who hasn’t tried this at least one time in their lives? (what?)