Moderator Tells devil to go Eff Himself

Wow, not even Joe Six Pack is afraid of ninjers. You can post comments down below the article. Have at it.

Was there any reason to point out that he was black?

The house owner was pretty stupid though, a few household items are not worth getting slashed up by a sword.

If there wasn’t a reason, I wouldn’t have pointed it out.

If it was a white man would you have made the title ‘Family Tells white Ninjer to go Eff Himself’? No you wouldn’t. Anyway as you were, it’s nice to deal with someone who is open about their racism for a change.

I’m glad I could offer a breath of fresh air.

How could anyone tell? Ninjas are, after all, as one with the shadow.

If this story broke in Japan it would have said just that. In fact it would have said the ninja’s name was Tom Cruise (they can’t tell us apart!) :wink:

Just another example of white people holding the black man down. That family should be ashamed of itself if it’s actions were because the ninja was black. However, if it was because the guy was a ninja, then it was acceptable behavior. Context is as important as content.

They’ll probably be charged with a hate crime.

I thought you meant like black ninjer from the black ninjer clan of Osaka, not like black as in black ninjer from the south side.

Well, he may in fact be from Osaka, but judging by his photograph, I sort of doubt it.

All minorities look alike to me, sooo…

My favorite part is that he tricked them into thinking he ran away and got arrested when really he created a shadow copy of himself, dissapeared and got ready to strike again later.

In that case, I’m offering the board a small breath of fresh air by banning a bigot.

Also the story referred to his sword as a saber, which means he wasn’t a ninjer. He was obviously a jedi.

Or a pirate.