MOD ACTION [THREAD CRASH OVERRIDE] : Zero Cool doesn't study gay Brazilian arts.

To the original poster: Get this through your head, fucko!!! Belts are completely irrelavent. Do or Do Not - Miyagi

BTW I’m living in Framingham Massachusetts, we have so many fucking illegal Brazillians here, the established citizens are past the boiling point. I’m one pissed off motherfucker, and when I drink I love to beat the fuck out of Brazillians. I fucking hate them and their overratted gay fighting system. A drunken enraged Scottsman will show you all about your fucking belts. Fighting is fucking fighting…either you can or you can’t. It’s pretty fucking simple.

Dude, BJJ is one of the very few arts where the belts are still regarded as important.
That’s why people give a shit when some eejit says “my are a black belt in brasilian jewjiztoo”…
You should maybe read more…

Glad to see you’re coming from a totally reasoned standpoint and have no axe to grind with “Brazillians”.

Kind of like you, eh?

BTW I’m living in Framingham Massachusetts, we have so many fucking illegal Brazillians here, the established citizens are past the boiling point. I’m one pissed off motherfucker, and when I drink I love to beat the fuck out of Brazillians. I fucking hate them and their overratted gay fighting system. A drunken enraged Scottsman will show you all about your fucking belts. Fighting is fucking fighting…either you can or you can’t.

Jeez, whats with all these racist fucks showing up on Bullshido lately. Maybe you and The Brand should give each other a handjob.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Again, kind of like you, eh?

I thought it was funny.

Funny like Pol Pot or funny like someone having an epileptic seizure on the subway tracks?

I grew up studying a real fucking art… if you want homoerotic play, go to craigslist. Fuck Brazillians, fuck you and fuck BJJ - think you’re hard, I’ll gladly give you my address. I might even help you with the airfare but not the hospital bills.

I thought he meant “funny”, like gh3y…

Finger painting?

Kama Sutra? Tantric Yoga?

Funny like silly trolling sure to rile some people up. I mean a ton full of brazillion illegals? Come on.

Ok, Dade. To be bashing homoeroticism, you are hilarious. You chose the name of the lead male character from Hacker’s, who wore a fuckin dress at the end. Now that is homoerotic.

I couldn’t find a picture of the aforementioned dress scene, but if someone does, I vote that it should be Dade “Zero Cool” Murphy’s avatar.

Yeah, I thought he was trolling at first, too. Until he went off on his whole anti-Brazillian/Scot Pride thing. Maybe he’s about to go on some rant about how gross it is to pull guard while wearing a kilt. Actually, forget pulling guard in a kilt, a triangle choke would be even dodgier.

Tons of illegal Brazilian immigrants? In Framingham? You’re either a retard who can’t tell the difference between a small Portuguese population and Brazilians, not from MA, or a super-douchebag. Fuck it, I’ll go with all of the above.

So what gym in MA do you out of? Oh…I bet you don’t train out of a gym. Let me guess…you train in t3h str33t. :homo: :wrestlerb

EDIT: Read in another thread that you espouse Uechi Ryu as being uber-deadly. Troll.

The Scot thing made you think he wasn’t just trolling?

Where’s Kagan when you need him?



My troll-meter must be busted. I thought if he was trolling it would be more likely that he’d claim to be Irish. After all, if one were to troll using tired stereotypes:

Irishman = drunk prone to violence;
Scot = cheapskate in a skirt.

Culled from:

Would you like them more if they wore a sheep costume… they dont call you Angus the MMA fighter do they…