MOAR DRAMA!!! Teh Question makes a challenge!

Hai guiz,

Earlier this day i was trying to point out to teh question that he was an unfunny homosexual who didnt look all that hot in some tdvideo i saw and somehow he took offence to that, here’s what he wrote in my replist, is this a gong sau?

some guidelines plz

Quick, hide Holland.

What’s a Holland?

e-Gong Sau!!!1111111

Cry havoc and let the monkeys fling some shit!!!

why hide holland?

i think its charming if someone will go through all this trouble just to fuck someone up.
especially when things will turn out a little different then were hoped for.

he should bring a female of his family with him that i will get to keep when i vanquish him this is the way of the dutch after all.

It’s that island between Iraq and a hard place.


I think it’s more than a coincidence someone will fly to fight in a place where drugs and hookers are legal.


So, now the Derogatory Interrogatory can tilt at windmills for realz?

he can do whatever he likes, as long as he brings a nice looking female with him i can breed with, this is my condition.

he brings a female, he can try to fuck me up, when he loses he goes home alone.
he must also firs show me a picture of the female so i can see if i like her or not.

( i like hot asians)

(speaking of hot asians, who is this deeply disturbed girl called tila tequila who i see on mtv?)

You won’t need fucking guidelines, son, you’ll need the following:

4oz gloves.
Ambulance, or other medical vehicle to drag your bitch ass to the hospital after The Question rapes you.

It’s time to bang.

Set this shit up.

Because Holland is fucking embarrassing.

i think its charming if someone will go through all this trouble just to fuck someone up.
especially when things will turn out a little different then were hoped for.

So in other words, you’re a bitch who won’t step up?

he should bring a female of his family with him that i will get to keep when i vanquish him this is the way of the dutch after all.

You wouldn’t be interested in the females in my family. They’re tougher than you are.

I will however, bring you a nurse and a hooker. From Amsterdam. The nurse for treatment, the hooker for whatever the fuck people use hookers for these days.

Link to original thread and the vid in question (d’oh!), please.

Offer him sexual favors.

It worked for you last time.

Guide lines:
You fly there at your expense.
If you win challenge he pays for your flight.
Lebell must produce the amount of money it would take to fly you there and back.
Must have beer with said person afterwards.
Video goes to winner.

The dealbreaker.

yes, and you are the crown of your nation, im sure…

Nope, thats what you hope for.
You bring a healthy good looking young female and ill be there.

Thats why i said you have to post a picture first, then i can decide if the female is to my liking.

Does your mother know that you are arguing with grown ups on the internet?
hookers…amsterdam…nurse…fuck up…

Thats no way to talk for a young man your age, now show me some pictures of females, i’ll pick one, you bring her, whatever happens happens, you fly back and i promise ill let her email you sometimes.


I do get to keep the female right?
otherwise its not very interesting for me… :frowning:

Despite the Euro doing well at the minute? New York to Schipol from about 320 Euros. Return.
That’s if The ? and Lebell don’t hit it off…