mmmmmm, muffins!

its a sunny Saturday afternoon, why am inside reading this crap?

Well put, sir. I think I’m going to make some jumbo oatmeal muffins (some blueberry, some strawberry).

mmmmmm, muffins!

With icing?

Nope, but packed full of fruity goodness.


I went out and washed my wife’s truck, gave me and my son somthing to do.

I’m enjoying the hypertrophy paper, might just have enough peace&quiet here to get through it.


The Sevilla one’s a good literature review, although it’s five years old, and so (hopefully!) a few of the points where he points out studies that haven’t been performed or mechanisms that aren’t well-understood have actually been experimentally scrutinized since then.

I wonder if there’s a technical term for the temporary insanity that hits you when you’ve just baked/cooked something and you start eating it while it’s still tongue-burningly hot?

Also, goddamn these muffins (this recipe with a bunch of substitutions) are tasty. I wish I’d had some ripe rhubarb to mix in with the strawberries.

Culled from:
Diamondback is the most efficient method of combat - No BS Martial Arts

Trollshido?! damn Tom! Could you at least’ve put it in “Muffins, Muscles and Men”?

Anyhow, here’s the thread to post muffins pics and discuss Glycogen phase muscule effort.

btw MODs, thanks for the tag :slight_smile:

Kinda like Serge’s ass after a fun filled night at the disco.

“Horray the internet!”

Serge is used to finding Elfin’ Loaves on his front yard, not Muffins on his lips, and can’t wait for The Russ to pack him full of Fruity Goodness.

Sounds like someone wants their muffin buttered

whilst I am old enough that I have gone to a disco, I do believe the term is antiquated. As to what may/may not be in my buttocks after said night out, that is an entirely private matter.

I believe that Dwarfen meat-pie would be my choice, dear Snake :slight_smile:

YouTube - Keebler Elfin Loaves commercial

oh gawd! That’s awesome!! And on topic, great post as always Snake!!

I swear to God, there are only two redeeming qualities about today (so far - I’m desperately clinging to hope for judo class), and they’re both muffins.

(If you really don’t “get it”, I was on a 130-170g/day carb restriction for just about five months…)

YouTube’s blocked at work. Will watch when I get home. If it’s a rick roll, I may actually break down and cry.

TehRuss, thanks for the bump in this important thread.

I’ve been having some serious DOMS, post workouts. I wonder if there is a muffin recipie that addresses the soreness, especially lumbar-region, due to Olympic lifting, KB hang-cleans and all the idiocy I’ve gotten myself into.

Grasping at straws, I’d try out something with banana in it for the starches (relatively fast carbs), sugars (if it’s ripe), and potassium. The usual rule is to rock the fast carbs as soon after physical activity as possible, and then keep a steady stream of slow carbs the rest of the time. You might also benefit from sipping on some dissolved (dilute) sugars during the activity. Table sugar’s quick, corn syrup (pure glucose, NOT HFCS) is quicker, but being able to stomach the stuff is most important.

This, of course, is all assuming the issue you’re dealing with is glycogen-related. You’ll also want to reinforce your hydration (for mid-workout fluids, sugars and salts, maybe try a sports drink?), ensure you’re doing a good warm-up and cool-down, get enough quality sleep for CNS recovery, and verify that it is DOMS and not a pull/tear/other injury.

Edit: I maintain that they should have left this thread and Trollshido’d the rest, rather than vice-versa.

I think you need to open Sambo Serge’s Magical Muffin catering business there in the Bay Area.
You and your boys all serve muffins in your finest pantsless-rasslin attire.
Think of all the money you would make in the BJJ and Dutch business alone.