
can you recommend a certain mountain accessable for a german with almost no money?
because that would be me and for some years now i “feel” mountain training is what i need im just too pansy to actually cut off contact with EVERYONE I FFFFFF IN KNOW
not that i would not know good mountains just theres always someone that could see me telling my granda " yo your eldest sons child… hes a hermit now…"

aah nfck i always mess up my posts here
it must be because this is not your normal board to me…
when i heard there was a number of posts / time u must have to not get banned … i didnt post for 6 months bcs im a guy that has more respect for training martial arts than he has for the so called heads of his state (germany)
cant post anything rly resourceful bcs im lazy as well :stuck_out_tongue:
so i tried to make out the spam forum but even what you call spam forum seems so good ( im former professional forum flamer) that i dont want to DE-sacred it (dunno the english word sry ^^)
hope noone bans me here
and the “nick diaz sues” thing is just the most recent most apparent reason for me to hope so^^

durrr i messed up again when mentioning a certain person
would love to ask everyone for forgiveness but thats not the martial way
pay your tickets to the adress in my profile if you seek retribution
i would love to say
but i missed to fill in that info when registring
now therss strange button telling me “View your about me as seen XXX (rest mixed with the button i actually WANT to click [customize my profile] but cant)”

ooookay i just deleted everything i could sry for taking your time here : o
and if you ask yourself what might have been SO wrong that it got deleted here…
WELL you dont want to know the answer im a noob that hopes to not get banned here so i stick to the part of the forum where its ok to be a nnoob ( hope nothing redirected me wrongly bcs im rly noob o)

Posts #1&3:
Post #2&4:
Posts #8&9:
Posts #11&12:

okay thank you for putting it like this
i am just that stupid

thread title win

sry for putting it like that but im german and did not get too much of what happend in GB as of recently
i sniffed the start of the Dub wave and even though i like the music i didnt digg too deep
that was some years ago and now im a sorry nerd or if fighting person does not fit your description of nerd im a guy who cant accept a loss

dude the last one was a PRIVATE message
i dont know if you had this KOHEI kind of feeling
but it was PRIVATE
you are not holy anymore
pm me pls

finally BS means BS like in BackStabbing in the good old SCBW days :stuck_out_tongue:
since quite a couple o yrs BS only means BullSHIAT on the webb and thats probably for good
anyways wanna thak someone for sav ing my life think he knows since a klong time already
and yoo if youre that 1 special person+
the guy on the cover somewhat resembles you :stuck_out_tongue:

know its not worth much
but i made the major mistake of claiming a certain lifesaver of mine looked a little like the wood handed guy on the cover of this strange magazine
just wanted to make it clear that it is (most likely ) not the same person
bcs i still dont know what happened in a certain 15 minutes in a night in cologne germany on world youth day (dunno official english name but its catholic christian so youre most likely excluded anyway if youre british :P) in i think it was 2006

sod off you silly kraut fucko

ok im sober again now and probably wont post for another 6 month so dont ban me pls because i love reading here so much^^

or probably never post again because of getting banned t.t
rly i read the rules and accidentally violated them while being drunken :confused:
i read them again today just to be sure and can only say sorry again and hope not to get banned

If you’re not banned now, you probably won’t be, unless you cross the lines.

A+ thread title.

i actually read the whole thing by now and puzzled together where it must have been originally posted (dead drunk mishap totally got the wrong threads with some of my post and other ones so evil OT) and this is easily the most embarassing thing happening to me the past half year
sorry again^^

edit : thats what you get when going to internet while drunk… one time i got 200 $ bill from some arab company bcs i downloaded Flash playyer from them (wich is free normally) … i didnt pay…

[QUOTE=mmmhyeah;2699675]dont ban me pls because i love reading here so much^[1]It’s o.k. If you get banned for any reason, you still get to read the posts, so by all means get banned and enjoy just reading.

  1. /QUOTE ↩︎

Or even better, don’t post at all, that way you read and learn and we never have to read your scatological attempts at literacy.

Did nobody else get the pm?

i sniffed the start of the Dub wave and even though i like the music[/QUOTE]
