Fedor, Quinton, Dan, St.peire, Chuck, Penn, Silva, Nogera.
So many good fighters in the sport of mma the best sport in the universe. Who do you think is the best.
I think Anderson silva but thats just one oppinion.
Whats yours.
Fedor, Quinton, Dan, St.peire, Chuck, Penn, Silva, Nogera.
So many good fighters in the sport of mma the best sport in the universe. Who do you think is the best.
I think Anderson silva but thats just one oppinion.
Whats yours.
Well…i basically think anderson is after this last fight.
Theoritically, this should not have been so easy for him.
mmabrothers chimes in and then get’s booted to the bin
Forest Griffen Stephon Boner 1 is my favorite fight.
But the Question is whats yours.
You agree cool
Dan henderson is a monster i was worried but i predicted the sub mistion
There are a lot of candidates… but one person who keeps reappearing on people’s lists and i don’t understand why: quinton jackson.
He caught liddell, and overmatched eastman (who is fighting at 185 now), but where has he truly looked impressive? His fights against hendo, lindland, and yoon do not make me think of him being a top p4p fighter, in fact due to how close all 3 of them were they’re cases for those guys to be.
As for people who keep getting omitted: yamamoto and torres.
Yeh I hate jackson as a fighter but you got to admit he has a sence of humor but like criss leben said "i’ts the best fighter not the best person
v1y whos the best in your opiion
Who is your favorite fighter
I love Chuck because he got me into the sport and i ow him but who is your favorite modern gladeator
Sorry for the spelling
“sub mistion”?
…Jesus Christ.
Jackson ain’t the best he a luck dude he nearly lost to fricken easten the worst fighter in the devision besides elvis your cool because your not afraid to say that jackson aint the unifyed champ and i think dan one the decision
Do you want to be a f-cking fighter that is my question
Dana asked the ultimate question . there more important than the meaning of life.
Do you want to be a f-cking fighter that is my question
if you were given the skill and a chence to become a MMA fighter and be apart of the fastest growing sport ever would you become a f-cking fighter
Whats next for the best pound for pound fighter in the world anderson silva
I said it all in my title now you answer
Did any one but me predict the sub in the anderson silva dan henderson fight
Did any one but me predict the sub in the anderson silva dan henderson fight
Good answers exept one guy
No, but I predict an incoming forum ban.
I think before I’d bother with fighting I’d have to see if I had the nerve to say “fuck”
No, but I predict an incoming forum ban.
Dude, mmabrothers, all these shit threads you’re making could’ve all been one thread.
Melton Bowen.