MMA isn't metal.

Don’t know how many people listen to a lot of what I would call ‘real’ metal before bracing against a torrent of accusations of being a metal snob, but I am pretty sure a lot of people here like MMA.

Try and look past the writers hate rant against MMA being nothing more than softcore porn, because I’m sure that this argument is beaten dead on this site.

What I found interesting about this blog is the number of pseudo metal bands that are scrambling to release generic hard rock albums relating to MMA.

Is it just that they are trying to appeal to the demographic of the Tapout guys and those who wear those absurd Hot Topic bondage pants?

In my experience, a lot of people who watch MMA and wear Tapout clothes to casual clothes day also listen to bands like Disturbed.

I don’t expect a lot of them on this site though, largely due their fingers being to fat to operate a keyboard, but also due to the population of Bullshido understanding paragraphs and punctuation.

Anyway the gist of this long winded post is that I was just wondering what people think of the whole music scene associated with MMA and also of the image MMA gets due to things like this.

Everyone here loves the culture that UFC marketing promotes. I personally have ‘bodies’ on repeat all day every day, drink nothing but light beer, and wear exclusively tapout clothing. Especially to formal occasions.

I’ll like MMA a lot more when I see someone come out fighting to anything by Manowar/Dio.

Any new hot culture-phenomenon (which MMA is shaping up to become) will naturally attract other cultural elements looking to make money by using the drawing power of the primary element. Most “real” metal is not marketable to mainstream audiences, unlike the “angry-white-man”-music (cudos to whoever came up with that term btw) that has been associated with combat sports in latter years. I don’t see this tainting MMA in any way though. It is in no way as bad as the tribal-tattoo fetish that MMA clothing companies seem to have.

Looking at recent UFC-events, the amount of pseudo-metal has gone down in favour of other music styles, a lot of which don’t sound angry at all.

[QUOTE=PXM;2549960]Don’t know how many people listen to a lot of what I would call ‘real’ metal before bracing against a torrent of accusations of being a metal snob, but I am pretty sure a lot of people here like MMA.[/QUOTE]The type of music you listen to has no bearing whatsoever on how tough you are.

If you would like proof, I’m sure there are many people here who would be very happy to kick the ever living fucking shit out of you to a soundtrack of Celine Dion’s greatest hits.[QUOTE=PXM;2549960]Anyway the gist of this long winded post is that I was just wondering what people think of the whole music scene associated with MMA and also of the image MMA gets due to things like this.[/QUOTE]Same way I feel about any music “scene”, 100% populated by failures and retards.

[QUOTE=Lu Tze;2550072]The type of music you listen to has no bearing whatsoever on how tough you are.

Cro Cop comes to mind. Pretty sure his theme was “wild boys” by Duran Duran.

(Redacted for being purely internal rambling within own head.)

[QUOTE=PXM;2549960]Don’t know how many people listen to a lot of what I would call ‘real’ metal before bracing against a torrent of accusations of being a metal snob, but I am pretty sure a lot of people here like MMA.

Try and look past the writers hate rant against MMA being nothing more than softcore porn, because I’m sure that this argument is beaten dead on this site.

What I found interesting about this blog is the number of pseudo metal bands that are scrambling to release generic hard rock albums relating to MMA.

Is it just that they are trying to appeal to the demographic of the Tapout guys and those who wear those absurd Hot Topic bondage pants?

In my experience, a lot of people who watch MMA and wear Tapout clothes to casual clothes day also listen to bands like Disturbed.

I don’t expect a lot of them on this site though, largely due their fingers being to fat to operate a keyboard, but also due to the population of Bullshido understanding paragraphs and punctuation.

Anyway the gist of this long winded post is that I was just wondering what people think of the whole music scene associated with MMA and also of the image MMA gets due to things like this.[/QUOTE]
You and he are fucking nerds that need to be dropped on your fucking heads. End of discussion.

[quote=yli;2550074]I wonder why more MMAers don’t play hardcore punk though. Bands like Biohazard, D.R.I, Agnostic Front and Madball would be (almost) perfect for the MMA scene kids, not to mention the fact that many HxC kids like MMA and train in MA.[/QUOTE]Because SEE QUOTE ABOVE.

Is anyone else here insulted by this claptrap?

We spend our spare time punching, kicking, wrestling, bleeding on, being bled on, seeing stars, and generally learning to fuck up other human beings with our bare hands and/or various implements… and someone comes along expecting more respect purely because they listen to a specific genre of music?

You get exactly the same respect as the tapout wearing frat boys if you don’t train… i.e. hahahahahah.

Edit: I see Omega is also insulted, so I’m in good company here.

I will just leave this here.


Guys who rant about metal who can play metal = less than .001%
Guys who rant about metal who can’t play metal = over 99%

Which one are you?

This is me:


[QUOTE=Poop Balls;2550073]Cro Cop comes to mind. Pretty sure his theme was “wild boys” by Duran Duran.[/QUOTE]
No way man, Wild Boys is hardcore. That is, full of “Angry White Man” emotion.

[QUOTE=yli;2550074]As a martial artist and concert promoter for metal acts, I can safely say that the TapouT /Pseudo UFC Nutriding/Tribal Tattoo Douche crowd would not only not be welcomed at most “real” metal concerts, but would probably get their asses kicked if they started shit. In fact, because of that image, for the longest time, I thought that MMA was solely geared towards the TapouT/Sherdog set and that I had absolutely nothing to learn from it.

I wonder why more MMAers don’t play hardcore punk though. Bands like Biohazard, D.R.I, Agnostic Front and Madball would be (almost) perfect for the MMA scene kids, not to mention the fact that many HxC kids like MMA and train in MA.[/QUOTE]

What the devil are you going on about? Your an MMA elitist?

[QUOTE=MAGIC HATE BALL;2550090]What the devil are you going on about? Your an MMA elitist?[/QUOTE]

I don’t think I was talking to anyone but myself. Let me redact that for idiocy again.

Wait, is that whole website complaints about “_______ isn’t metal!”? Because that’s hilarious.

[QUOTE=Colin;2550082]Guys who rant about metal who can play metal = less than .001%
Guys who rant about metal who can’t play metal = over 99%

Which one are you?

This is me:

Wow, that video totally gave me a chubby.

Don’t worry it’s not what you think.

I just really like fat bald guys.

On a serious note (no pun intended), that’s some damn fine playing.

[QUOTE=Colin;2550082]Guys who rant about metal who can play metal = less than .001%
Guys who rant about metal who can’t play metal = over 99%

Which one are you?

This is me:

You got your poses down man. Are you that kid from school of rock? Be honest.

Seriously though, good stuff. I play the guitar (amongst other instruments) as well and I think that enables me to pass judgement on your playing. You did very well.

All I can say is when I go to shows I always get TKD spin kicked in the dick.

EDIT: large unimportant rant

[QUOTE=PXM;2549960]Don’t know how many people listen to a lot of what I would call ‘real’ metal before bracing against a torrent of accusations of being a metal snob[/QUOTE]
No way buddy, I’m right there with you. Fuck imaginary metal!

[QUOTE=PXM;2549960]Is it just that they are trying to appeal to the demographic of the Tapout guys and those who wear those absurd Hot Topic bondage pants?[/QUOTE]
Gee guys, do you think the people behind the bullshit subculture associated with MMA are trying to appeal to the demographic of people attracted to the bullshit subculture associated with MMA?

But in all seriousness, I never thought I’d want to side with the stupid subculture associated with MMA until I saw that blogpost. I don’t know which I hate most: his music elitism, the tired “hey, MMA sure is homoerotic, amirite?” jokes, or the fact he thinks things like “blows squirrel balls” and “gaytarded” are at all clever.

I read a couple entries on his blog, where he rails against, amongst other things, shaving, having sex, and Van Canto. As a clean shaven MMA fighter who enjoys both Van Canto and sexual intercourse, I was of course in disagreement.
Despite the amount of “RAR I HATES THEM HIPSTIRS” comments he makes the whole musical elitism thing (and not shaving thing, I guess) comes off as pretty damn hipsterish.
Edit: he’s also fat: