MMA in New York - Daily News Column

[wleft][/wleft]In New York’s Daily News this Sunday, I had a column arguing for the legalization of MMA in New York.

I’m not suggesting MMA can make saints of practitioners or spectators. But I do think its virtues need to be recognised by naysayers. A sample:

[I]what looks like a cockfight is actually a relatively healthy sport. It is also international, with fighters and fans from all over the world contributing to its popularity. MMA would be at home at Madison Square Garden, alongside the famous Golden Gloves.

MMA would also be a financial boon. A study commissioned by the Ultimate Fighting Championship concluded that an MMA bout in the city would bring more than $10 million in “net new” economic activity.

And the sport has a number of bona fide virtues, making it worthy of philosophical defense. [/I]

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Great press! Thanks!

Happy to help. I’ve not yet been to NY, but if its reputation is anything to go by, it’d be a great host for MMA.

hard to believe it still isn’t legal there. huge missed opportunity.

Yes. New York is a sporting capital, but it doesn’t have one of the world’s fastest growing sports.

Let me just add: I’m astonished that no-one in New York’s commented on my column. Not a single line calling me a philistine, or questioning my qualifications as a philosopher.

If Kripke were here, he’d kick your skinny Aussie butt all over town.

the daily news, eh? i think you used too many big words and confused the readers, but it’s nice to see MMA legalization get some press, and in theory daily news readers are all capable of voting, so kudos!

  1. My butt is not skinny.

  2. He might, but I wouldn’t understand it. The benefits of relative ignorance and stupidity.

  3. Really, you’re wrong about my bum.

I realise it’s a tabloid, but some of the columns are fine. To my mind, Greenman’s, for example, are no different to many broadsheet pieces.

It’s not the Post, right?

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Snicker… Ming Loyalist is right about that.

Nice column, man. Well done.

[quote=Cannon_6;2499880]Snicker… Ming Loyalist is right about that.

Nice column, man. Well done.[/quote]

Thanks, Cannon.

I read the Daily News and didn’t think it was overly lowbrow. Sure, it’s not the Times, but…

the times or WSJ isn’t really going to reach the target demographic in terms of fans of the sport, so the daily news and even the post would be better for that part.

the WSJ and times would be ideal if you were trying to push the concept of MMA as a financial winner for the city/state (i.e. actually reach the legislators themselves directly.)

to reach our goals we will have to appeal to both groups.

[quote=Ming Loyalist;2499913]the times or WSJ isn’t really going to reach the target demographic in terms of fans of the sport, so the daily news and even the post would be better for that part.

the WSJ and times would be ideal if you were trying to push the concept of MMA as a financial winner for the city/state (i.e. actually reach the legislators themselves directly.)

to reach our goals we will have to appeal to both groups.[/quote]

Interestingly, the one comment for my column cites the financial gains.

But, yes, I’d very much like to write something pro-MMA for the WSJ or Times.

You’re right – the paper itself really isn’t. But unlike you, we can see who’s reading it every day.

But, yes, I’d very much like to write something pro-MMA for the WSJ or Times.
That would be awesome. If you can get a pro-MMA piece past the editors at the Times, you will deserve an award.

Work in progress. I might try for something non-MMA first.