1:Blacks tend to be phisically stronger people for some reason. Though in my experience they seem to get angry faster and a little more violent.
When I roll, black people have usually kicked my ass.
for some reason they seem to be some of the toughest people.
2: MT people and kickboxers are a little rougher, and not quite as nice(Though not mean) as the BJJ guys, who seem quite friendly.
Different environment
3:The BJJ guys who get their asses handed to them, are those who depend too much on their guard, and never really developed a strong wrestling ability, and explored the ground-and-pound aspect in fighting.
You better have a damn good submision ability from guard or forget about using it in MMA. Guard should be a last resort, whden taken down, as a defensive move. Some BJJ guys depend on it too much
4:Aikido people are some of the most elitist, some are mean.
5:If weight matters THAT much, why is it, when I grapple a guy who lost 20 pounds end in the SAME results? Sometimes they are tougher when they loose that extra weight.
And Vise a versa. Though when I wrestle a guy who gains 20 or so pounds, sometimes his performance suffers.
6: 120-130 is a terrible weight for any average height man. There is no protection to the vital organs, and you will get killed in any fight.
I used to be there, and now that I’m heavier those punches to the gut don’t hurt anymore. Before, they would knock the wind outta me.
7: Want to avoid ringworm? use your own focus mitts.
8:Kenpo, is actually a mixed martial art with some good schools, with a detailed ground game.
9: The learning curve for BJJ is way longer, and harder, than the learning curve for kickboxing.
10:Tucking your chin not only protects the neck, but helps avoid a KO.
When the chin is untucked a blow will easily rattle your brain, which is the cause of a knockout.
11: BJJ and wrestling are way more demanding on cardio than, boxing and kickboxing.
12: Sambo is very much like BJJ, but is more focused on leg and ankle locks.
13: the crapiest MA’s are wildly regarded to be TKD and maybe Aikido
14: The best MA’s are said to be Boxing, MT, BJJ, Wrestling, and maybe some Sambo and Judo mixed in.
15: MMA is becoming a bullshit term that often refers to no gi grappling.
MMA should refer to a healthy mix of your choosing of the quility MA’s mentioned in fact 14.
16: I must confess that rolling with Kyra Gracie would enertain my sexual fantacies more than it would be a good BJJ learning experience.
I am no hyprocite.