MMA facts: An observation by Sandbag2

1:Blacks tend to be phisically stronger people for some reason. Though in my experience they seem to get angry faster and a little more violent.
When I roll, black people have usually kicked my ass.
for some reason they seem to be some of the toughest people.

2: MT people and kickboxers are a little rougher, and not quite as nice(Though not mean) as the BJJ guys, who seem quite friendly.
Different environment

3:The BJJ guys who get their asses handed to them, are those who depend too much on their guard, and never really developed a strong wrestling ability, and explored the ground-and-pound aspect in fighting.
You better have a damn good submision ability from guard or forget about using it in MMA. Guard should be a last resort, whden taken down, as a defensive move. Some BJJ guys depend on it too much

4:Aikido people are some of the most elitist, some are mean.

5:If weight matters THAT much, why is it, when I grapple a guy who lost 20 pounds end in the SAME results? Sometimes they are tougher when they loose that extra weight.
And Vise a versa. Though when I wrestle a guy who gains 20 or so pounds, sometimes his performance suffers.

6: 120-130 is a terrible weight for any average height man. There is no protection to the vital organs, and you will get killed in any fight.
I used to be there, and now that I’m heavier those punches to the gut don’t hurt anymore. Before, they would knock the wind outta me.

7: Want to avoid ringworm? use your own focus mitts.

8:Kenpo, is actually a mixed martial art with some good schools, with a detailed ground game.

9: The learning curve for BJJ is way longer, and harder, than the learning curve for kickboxing.

10:Tucking your chin not only protects the neck, but helps avoid a KO.
When the chin is untucked a blow will easily rattle your brain, which is the cause of a knockout.

11: BJJ and wrestling are way more demanding on cardio than, boxing and kickboxing.

12: Sambo is very much like BJJ, but is more focused on leg and ankle locks.

13: the crapiest MA’s are wildly regarded to be TKD and maybe Aikido

14: The best MA’s are said to be Boxing, MT, BJJ, Wrestling, and maybe some Sambo and Judo mixed in.

15: MMA is becoming a bullshit term that often refers to no gi grappling.
MMA should refer to a healthy mix of your choosing of the quility MA’s mentioned in fact 14.

16: I must confess that rolling with Kyra Gracie would enertain my sexual fantacies more than it would be a good BJJ learning experience.
I am no hyprocite.


why the fuck are you not banned yet?

Is my memory failing, or wasn’t sandbag2 one of big maclol’s alt rereg accounts?


So you made a thread to talk about how you don’t like black people, and you jerk it regularly to pics of Kyra. Outstanding work.

Holy shit, I never said I didn’t like black people.
My favorite actor is black. Denzel Washington. I voted for Obama.
My favorite UFC guys are black-Anderson Silva!
I even like Rampage Jackson.

Though those pics of Kyra get the juices rolling

[quote=sandbag2;2223770]1:Blacks tend to be phisically stronger people for some reason. Though in my experience they seem to get angry faster and a little more violent.
When I roll, black people have usually kicked my ass.
for some reason they seem to be some of the toughest people.

As a black people who is only 155 pounds and physically inept, I demand that I get my racial bonus to Strength, now. +2 will suffice.

I didn’t vote for Obama, am I a racist?


Your mom likes black men.

Belt, leather belt?

I don’t get it, how can these be facts about MMA when they’re observations.

OK, I’ll play…

[quote=sandbag2;2223770]1:Blacks tend to be phisically stronger people for some reason. Though in my experience they seem to get angry faster and a little more violent.
When I roll, black people have usually kicked my ass.
for some reason they seem to be some of the toughest people.[/quote]

There is some historical evidence to indicate that African-Americans were selectively bred for strength and other physical characteristics before the abolition of slavery. This probably goes some way towards explaining a certain ammount of anger as well. Particularly when they realise they can armbar the fuck out of a racist.

2: MT people and kickboxers are a little rougher, and not quite as nice(Though not mean) as the BJJ guys, who seem quite friendly.
Different environment.

Yes, it’s funny that someone hasn’t invented a gentler way to punch someone with full contact and power.

3:The BJJ guys who get their asses handed to them, are those who depend too much on their guard, and never really developed a strong wrestling ability, and explored the ground-and-pound aspect in fighting.
You better have a damn good submision ability from guard or forget about using it in MMA. Guard should be a last resort, whden taken down, as a defensive move. Some BJJ guys depend on it too much

Oh, and the strikers who get their “asses handed to them” are those who haven’t worked on their grappling. And what about wrestlers who don’t do any striking? Your insight has shaken my entire world view.

4:Aikido people are some of the most elitist, some are mean.

The disease: Aikido
The cure: Gene LeBell

5:If weight matters THAT much, why is it, when I grapple a guy who lost 20 pounds end in the SAME results? Sometimes they are tougher when they loose that extra weight.
And Vise a versa. Though when I wrestle a guy who gains 20 or so pounds, sometimes his performance suffers.

Have you considered that a guy in training who loses weight is probably losing lard? Or considered that the guy in training who gains weight is probably gaining muscle? No, of course not.

6: 120-130 is a terrible weight for any average height man. There is no protection to the vital organs, and you will get killed in any fight.
I used to be there, and now that I’m heavier those punches to the gut don’t hurt anymore. Before, they would knock the wind outta me.

I agree. I propose that weight classes be instituted for combat sports. Who’s with me?

7: Want to avoid ringworm? use your own focus mitts.

Want to avoid ridicule? Lurk and use the search function.

8:Kenpo, is actually a mixed martial art with some good schools, with a detailed ground game.

But Wing Chun has teh d34dly anti-grapple!

9: The learning curve for BJJ is way longer, and harder, than the learning curve for kickboxing.

You mean that an art with hundreds of techniques takes longer to achieve proficency in than an art with a couple of dozen? Whoda thunk?

10:Tucking your chin not only protects the neck, but helps avoid a KO.
When the chin is untucked a blow will easily rattle your brain, which is the cause of a knockout.

This idea could revolutionise the little-known sport of “boxing”.

11: BJJ and wrestling are way more demanding on cardio than, boxing and kickboxing.

Especially considering that if you tap out in grappling, you roll again. If you lose in (kick)boxing you get to have a restful little nap.

12: Sambo is very much like BJJ, but is more focused on leg and ankle locks.

Yes, they both belong to a little-known subset of martial arts called “grappling”.

13: the crapiest MA’s are wildly regarded to be TKD and maybe Aikido

“Wildly” is a good description of your spelling method.

14: The best MA’s are said to be Boxing, MT, BJJ, Wrestling, and maybe some Sambo and Judo mixed in.

The best muffins are said to be flour, eggs, sugar, and maybe some blueberries mixed in.

15: MMA is becoming a bullshit term that often refers to no gi grappling. MMA should refer to a healthy mix of your choosing of the quility MA’s mentioned in fact 14.

Yes, people often commented on Feodor and Lesnar’s inability to punch the living fuck out of people. I nominate you to show them how theyre doing it wrong.

16: I must confess that rolling with Kyra Gracie would enertain my sexual fantacies more than it would be a good BJJ learning experience.
I am no hyprocite.

If long as your sexual “fantacies” run to painful public humilliation, then that is your affair. I can assure you that no-one considers you a “hyprocite”.

His first point has merit. Very taboo merit in mixed company, but merit nonetheless.

Even before they were ported over to the new world, life in Africa depended a lot more on physical attributes than it did in Europe or Asia, thanks to the lack of technology.

It’s no coincidence that the men who dominate running sports (from sprinting to marathons) are as black as the sky is blue.


Anyways this is a stupid thread. Thinking about Trollshidowning it unless there are more hot babes posted.

BTW I rolled with Kyra it was alot of fun. No not what your dirty minds are thinking. Besides Feitosa and Carlihnos were right there.

Can we get Asia a “Rolled with Kyra Gracie” tag?

3:The BJJ guys who get their asses handed to them, are those who depend too much on their guard, and never really developed a strong wrestling ability, and explored the ground-and-pound aspect in fighting.
You better have a damn good submision ability from guard or forget about using it in MMA. Guard should be a last resort, whden taken down, as a defensive move. Some BJJ guys depend on it too much

I see you have watched the first episode of The Ultimate Fighter: Season 10

Aberahamn Lincoln…troll

Theyre only facts if you believe this bullshit…

You are definitely no Sherlock Holmes, dude. You couldn’t observe your way out of a cardboard box.

This idea could revolutionise the little-known sport of “boxing”.

How many people in MMA (even at the elite level) tuck their chins properly? I’d say less than 10%.