MMA Coach Shawn Tompkins Dead At 37

I couldn’t believe this when I heard it…
There hasn’t been an official statement on the cause of death, although rumors are circulating that it was due to a previously diagnosed heart problem.
I met Shawn a couple of tiimes over at Adrenaline. He loved putting on this MT smoker matches to promote the sport and has done more for MMA in this city that anyone.
In fact, it was Shawn, Sam and Mark that put London on the map as a place to train.
I cannot help but wonder what will happen to his gym. He had not been there much the past couple of years due to his committments down south, but as far as I know he was still the owner.
He was married to Sam Stout’s sister - I asume the gym will continue to operate much the same as it has and official ownership will pass to his wife.
What a drag…this sucks.
RIP Shawn

I was down at the gym last night…apparently it was indeed a heart attack that was the cause of death.
He was asleep when it happened.

Man this sux!! I hate it when someone dies young, especially such good people!

Does it run in the Family?

A bloke I knew from Childhood - not a friend but a life long acquaintance (and our Barman) went to the hospital feeling very unwell and signalled his Chest. The hospital did a battery of tests but claimed they could find nothing wrong.

He would not accept this so they suggested he visit his family doctor (General Practitioner - GP - here in the UK). He went the following morning and while awaiting his walk-in appointment time, collapsed and died from a massive Heart Attack.

We were shocked at hearing this and we went to the funeral. His father had died young and there was indeed a family history.

I don’t mean to mislead, it’s just that Mr Tompkins Passing has clearly shocked you (understandably so). Perhaps it’s also a family tragedy in its widest sense.

I have not heard anything about a pre-exisiting condition…
Some people are blaming this, and other heart-related deaths of younger men who are in prime condition, on the high-protein diets most of them adhere to.
Whether this has any merit, I don’t know.