MMA and the Christian Right - NY Times - 2/1/10

So animal rights and gun control are fascist and evil because Hitlers Germany had same kind of laws? And the US space program is also evil, because it was started in Hitlers Germany? Hitler did not drink alcohol, evil? Boy scouts is almost exactly like Hitler jugend, evil? Right? Or are you saying that being a nazi is not such a bad thing after all?

edit: Don’t get me wrong, I’m just a stupid newbie, I’m just not really sure where you’r going with that.

They believed in State over People and Total State control of markets, industry and religion. sounds pretty left to me.

Or perhaps fascist?

[quote=Mtripp;2304167]Oh, FYI, just ONE example…

The 1968 Gun Control act, put forward by the left; take the time to notice how it is almost word for word the EXACT same gun control act passed by Hitler and the boys.

Animal Rights? Hitler and the boys.

I can keep going, but the real Nazi’s in the country have always been on the left, sorry to wake you on that.[/quote]

I concede your point about gun control laws, but the right has supported those as well. If you agree that republicans are similarly fascist (especially in your example), then at least you are consistent.

BTW,What is wrong with animal rights?

[quote=Mtripp;2304167]Oh, FYI, just ONE example…

The 1968 Gun Control act, put forward by the left; take the time to notice how it is almost word for word the EXACT same gun control act passed by Hitler and the boys.

Animal Rights? Hitler and the boys.

I can keep going, but the real Nazi’s in the country have always been on the left, sorry to wake you on that.[/quote]

Hitler was democratically elected, therefore democracy = Nazisim

See how that works.

And Fox news gets made fun of because they have gone insane.

Glenn Beck crying every day for example.

And the GOP under the patriot act curtailed more rights than anyone in the last 50 years.

I am not a big fan of Liberal leftist style intolerance, but they hardly have a monopoly on it

Let the secular remain secular, (with the regard to the article.) It is leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I would expect it to for anyone, believer or not.

As to the political rant, the truth is that is is not easy. As has been stated by a number of folks here already, titles are be tricky.

Nobody, left or right, has a corner on stupid. OH…except those folks that think politics is as easy as liberal or conservative. We, as individuals, just need to decide what kind of silly we can live with.

What rubs me raw is when someone comes on and states things as thought they are the only facts. In addition to taking an agitated higher than thou stance. We need not agree, in fact for our Republic’s sake lets hope we don’t always. The American tradition of thought is one of agreeing to not agree. Not brow beating others with talk radio slogan nonsense.

Aaron Fields

Well said Aaron. There is no title that fits everyone…left, right, conservative, liberal, moderate, etc. I know I fall on different sides depending on the issue.

Mark, your criticisms of the left is just as narrow minded as you accuse the left of being.

aaron is in the correct. Nobody has the corner on stupid…and harmful.Take the “right” leaning supreme court judges that just signed away what was left of our democracy. If you thought politics was bought and paid for now by lobbyists, just wait 20 years to see the results of corporate election funding gone wild. And this will affect everyone seeking office, every party, every voter, every candidate…right, left, centrist. If you are unwilling to be a corporate puppet, don’t even bother running. Especially now that foreign run corporations will be able to have a say in our domestic elections.

Jesus was caught in a crucifix. Thank you, I’ll be here all week.

BTW, you fools should look up the political spectrum before arguing:

Socially conservative / Fiscally Conservative = Fascism, Nazism, Republican
Socially liberal / Fiscally Liberal = Communism, Socialism, Democrats
Socially conservative / Fsically liberal = Theocratic rule
Socially liberal / Fiscally Conservative = Libertarian, normal, PimpDawg

Its a shame that some christians feel they need to use gimmicks to get people to believe (see Tony Anthony thread).
Personally I think its great that christians are learning to defend themselves.

A few years ago a Rastafarian friend of mine was going to confront somebody who had wronged somebody else and I questioned why he was doing it, He said it was what god would expect him to do. I asked him why he didnt just let god deal with it and he replied “thats why Jah av him soldier”.
I thought it was a shame other christians didnt think the same way and over emphasize the “turn the other cheek” and seam to forget the ass whoopins that occasionally have to be dealt out in his name too as described in the bible.

I think the way MMA fighters behave at the end of the fight despite all the shit talking that takes place before is an example to many sports and demonstrates honor and integrity that in my oppinion is consistant with christian belief.

You only have to look at how most of the MMA community turned on Brock Lesnar after his behaviour towards Frank Mir to show that MMA is not the babaric blood thirsty event people percive it to be and thus I personally dont feel that there is any contradiction when chrstians join in.
But then again i am biased being a christian who does MMA.

I never really thought of it until now, but I’m surprised that people are surprised that religion and fighting are working together. I mean, what the hell? Did they forget crusades, jihads, and all that sort of shit? Shit, Thailand is Buddhist as fuck and Muay Thai is popular as fuck. Then you have your Shaolin monks.

Your examples are motivation to find it not surprising, but disturbing.

I would like to contrast something:

Margaret Chase Smith, 1950, Republican:

“As an American, I condemn a Republican “Fascist” just as much as I condemn a Democrat “Communist.” I condemn a Democrat “Fascist” just as much as I condemn a Republican “Communist.” They are equally dangerous to you and me and to our country.”

And in the same speech:

“…To displace [The Democrat party as rulers] with a Republican regime embracing a philosophy that lacks political integrity or intellectual honesty would prove equally disastrous to this nation. The nation sorely needs a Republican victory. But I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny – Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.”

After 9-11, several political conservatives on air in US TV, radio or the www:

"And, I know that I’ll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say “you helped this happen.” (Jerry Falwell -

“I don’t see any moral difference between a suicide bomber and somebody in a F-16 fighter jet who fires a missile into an apartment complex and then kills 10 or 15 little girls and boys.” (David Duke - Long stuff, not really worth a look)

“We had been told there were no ‘death panels’ in the bill…But look closely at the provision mandating bureaucratic panels that will be calling the shots regarding who will receive government health care.” (Sarah Palin -

“Do your duty. Make more babies… half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, the Hispanics are having more kids than others.” (John Gibson -

“We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.” (Dick Cheney -

As a friend of the American people, I would ask, could we please the get the old Republicans back and get rid of the new ones?

[quote=Goju - Joe;2304302]Hitler was democratically elected, therefore democracy = Nazisim

See how that works.

And Fox news gets made fun of because they have gone insane.

Glenn Beck crying every day for example.

And the GOP under the patriot act curtailed more rights than anyone in the last 50 years.

I am not a big fan of Liberal leftist style intolerance, but they hardly have a monopoly on it[/quote]

If you want more examples, read THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F. A. Hayek. He was this Austrian economist who was teaching in England during WW2. He wrote the book in response to his socialist colleagues who argued that collectivism was the path towards social progress.

In the book, Hayek connects Nazism with many collectivist policies and then argues that collectivism in the sense of the state controlling the means of production would invariably lead to totalitarian rule of some type because 1) giving the state a moral mandate means that other morals must be stamped out and 2) the use of planning means the control by bureaucracies, and thus by the experts that run them, and negate any democratic tendencies in the name of efficiency. The second argument is particularity impressive as we can now see in this country the rise over the last few decades of bureaucracies, how congress typically defers administrative power to them, how they, through administrative law, have usurped the judiciary, and how they always try to expand their scope of power. These are tendencies that Hayek actually predicted.

I don’t think that after reading the mountain of evidence Hayek supplies in a short book you can honestly argue that Nazism was anything but a collectivist, progressive movement that captured the hearts of many prominent progressives in both the UK and the US. Plus, don’t forget that fascism is an Italian term first used to describe Mussolini’s Italy. That government was even more an example of populist progressivism.

If we’re going pseudio-scientific, let’s also take into consideration that Hayek was not above criticism.

As Karl Polanyi, obviously rather a leftist than a libertarian, pointed out, Hayek thesis initially failed to consider that it was exactly the collapse of an unregulated free market that had made possible the rise of fascism.

If we’re talking about nazis, it was the 30% unemployment that Germany of 1931 had as a result of the world economy’s breakdown that made the nazi’s political agenda, initially mainly marketed as the stop of the WWI reparations, popular.

  • Polanyi’s criticism, among others, prompted von Hayek to redefine his thesis to the point where he said that governmental regulation was needed as long as economic liberty in itself could turn to be a threat against democracy. (His discourse of ‘inner’ liberties against ‘individual’ liberties, IIRC.)

Gaaah, and just out of bed and coffeeless as I was, I misread SGHM’s post completely.

Disregard my smartypanting, please, and take some +rep.

Well, of course mixed martial arts is becoming more popular among church going folk such as myself. As the good people at Zuffa constantly remind us, it’s “the fastest growing sport in the world!” and since those of us clinging our guns and religion out of bitterness are PART of the world…it doesn’t take Petter’s deductive reasoning skills to figure out that it must be gaining ground among us as well.
Anyway, why are you guys acting like this is something new? Religion has always been part of MMA, from Matt “I’m the Queen” Hughes and Vitor Belfort thanking Jesus, God, and his pastor after exposing Marvin Eastman’s neocortex, to Wanderlei Silva tattoing verses from the Psalms on his forearms, Fedor having Russian orthodox priests in his entourage, and Randy thanking “Jesus who died for my sins and the American GI who died for my freedom”.

PS: The whole (insert concept here) is EEE-VIL because Hitler liked it! is getting a bit old. I mean, Hitler had a mustache, does that mean the Don Frye and Dan Severn are in imminent danger of tossing Jews into an oven? I really expected better of some of you.

Still??? OK, by the numbers…

(1) Liberals give full support to unionism…so did Hitler…he gave speeches for the largest trade union in Germany.

(2) Liberals want the gov’t to be the primary supporter for the people…so did Hitler…quote…“We demand the state shall make its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens.” Source: Hitler’s 25 Points, NSDAP, 1920.

(3) Liberals attack the rich for existing on unearned income(investments)…so did Hitler…quote, “abolition of incomes unearned by work…” Source: NSDAP.

(4) Liberals have been trying to use gov’t to take control of large corporations for decades…so did Hitler…quote, “Nationalize all business which have been formed into corporations.” Source: Hitler’s NSDAP, 1920.

(5) Liberals bitterly complain about business making profits off war…so did Hitler…quote, “…personal enrichment from war will be regarded as a crime against the nation…therefore, ruthless confiscation of all war profits.” Source: Hitler’s 1920 NSDAP.

(6) Liberals and unionists insist that industry must pay employees a share of profits in addition to wages…so did Hitler…quote, “We demand profit sharing in large industrial enterprizes.” Source: Hitler’s 1920 25-point NSDAP.

(7) Liberals have for years tried every trick in the book to take private land from owners. Liberals have used tools like environmental issues, right of way, etc…so did Hitler…quote, “We demand…expropriation of land for communal purposes…abolition of rent and prohibition of all speculation in land.”

(8) “Nazi” was gutter slang for the verb “to nationalize”. It is no secret that Obama and his cronies wish to nationalize healthcare and our banking system.

(9) The official title of the Nazi Party was “The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany”. Liberal policies are nothing short of socialism.

(10) Hitler came to power by turning the working class, unemployed, and academic elite against the conservative republic. After Der Fuhrer’s election ceased being a political conspiracy and was transformed into a fashionable social phenomenon, party membership was especially popular with educators, bureaucrats, and the press…Liberals have these self same groups in their back pockets.

(11) Being a Nazi was “politically correct”. They called themselves “The Children of the New Age of World Order” and looked down their noses at everyone else. As Hitler acquired more power, he referred to his critics as “The Dark Forces of Anarchy and Hatred”. Political Correctness and “liberal media smear” is a tactic often used by the left.

(12) Right-wing fanatics of the “Old Order” who protested firearms registration were arrested by the S.S. and put in jail for “fomenting hatred against the Government of the German people”. Liberals are anti-gun ownership, anti-war and anti-military.

(13) Public schools rewrote history and Hitler youth groups taught the children to report their parents to their teachers for anti-Nazi remarks…It is no secret that Liberal policies regarding education aim to completely indoctrinate school children to accept values counter to their parents. Even parental rights are under attack by liberals.

(14) Pagan animism became the state religion of the Third Reich and Christians were widely condemned as “right wing fanatics”. Atheistic liberals are doing the same thing today.

(15) Evil was declared as being good, and good was condemned as being evil. Today, liberals hearld every godless abomination their little minds can conceive and applaud it as good, when historically such acts were seen as detestible and destructive to society; not to mention loathed by God.

So, keep on keeping on… and have fun this November.

First off:

  1. While Irminism and the like were popular with a number of German and Austrian new-age scholar types in the early twentieth century, both fascist and otherwise, it never became a “state religion” of any kind.
  2. More importantly, atheism and neopaganism are so wildly different, it would just downright amaze you. Like, one placing a belief in a great number of divine beings, and the other placing a belief in precisely zero divine beings.
  3. Even more importantly, even if the Third Reich was some kind of Neopagan Theocracy, and even if neopaganism and atheism were the same thing, that’s not why Hitler was bad. It was really more the genocide and war-mongering that people objected to.
    Fortunately, most contemporary Americans, regardless of political affiliation, and strongly opposed to genocide and at least mildly opposed to war-mongering.
    This whole “The nazis did x, and party a does x, therefore party a = Nazi.” is nonsense.
    For example:
    *The American religious right believe in population growth. The nazis believed in population growth. Therefore, the American religious right are nazis.
    *Vladimir Putin believe in population growth. The nazis believed in population growth. Therefore, Vladimir Putin is a nazi.
    *The American religious right believe in population growth. Vladimir Putin believes in population growth. Therefore, Vladimir Putin is part of the American religious right.

It’s bullshit. Please, can we just stop comparing everything we don’t like to Nazi Germany, as though that were a valid argument.

National Republican Party

National Socialist Party

O MY GOD!!! Republicans are Nazi’s!!!

Providing adequate medical coverage to all citizens IS EVIL!!!

Seriously, what’s with all this negativity?

Hitler hated Modern Art, I pretty much agree with Hitler; I also have dabbled in watercolor landscape painting, therefore I am a Nazi.