mma aim chat! A/S/L H0T CYB0R 4 U

Hey what’s up. Recently I started an AIM chat room. Anyone interested in joing the chat; it stays on your buddylist + you can turn it on and off. it’s a special chat. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: let me know; we’d love to add on to the discussion!

I’ve always tried to get an MMA chat room going because when i try to talk in other rooms people get mad at play by plays + general mma discussion lol.

Anyone interested in joining? It’s on AIM, if you want to be invited either hit me up on aim, or leave your aim handle here I will invite you.

My Sns on AOL/AIM are

  1. CaptainLouAlbano
  2. Suckuh

Word hit me up

mma chat FTW


no, dude thats my aim handle lol

what r u weerin?