I was lurking and looking at a whole bunch of threads which just have people replying adding nothing of value on topic. However, a lot of these guys have heaps of posts in their post counts. So I was just wondering if you think the postcount is worthwhile? I think its actually destructive because it encourage a phenomenon I’ll call Mr. Big Posts (hence name of thread).
It seems to me there are heaps of keyboard warriors here who just want a big postcount to impress their friends with. Kind of like a measuring contest. They are quite prepared to be rude, offensive or make no comment at all that has anything to do with the thread.
A flame war just becomes an excuse to increase the post count further. Wouldn’t it be better if noone knew how much someone had posted? This would mean people would concentrate on quality and not quantity.
Then there’s the varrot system… Seems like that guy Cracky McSlugfoot has a huge row of green varrots and yet always makes rude comments at other people’s expense. Not to single him out though, just an example. I just wonder if varrots and postcounts encourage rude behaviour on the site, that’s all.
I increase my posts to impress chicks. I hear after four green varrots you are essentially Brad Pitt. I only have 1 or two, so I usually get pepper-sprayed .
The above poster is absolutely correct. I have 5 varrots, and lemme tell ya, you seen those the Tag bodyspray ads may be a cool commerical to you, but they’re just another day for me.
A much better measure of a poster is post count per day. You can find this by clicking on their username which takes you to their BS profile page, or by being able to perform simple math. Hint: look at their join date and post count.
This forum is free to join. Consequently, MANY shitheads join on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean there aren’t more than a few members who know their stuff.
Finally, people should stop discussing the varrot system entirely. They’re green or red dots on a screen. That’s all. The fact that some members judge other members value by them causes me to become a sad panda, and I hate pandas. I have a ton of dots. You want some? Take mine.
Dots on a screen. Some people get bent out of shape over dots on a screen.
I think the varrot system is a brilliant idea. Rather than read the posts, I can just look at the varrots. “Six varrots. I bet this post is a winner!” I don’t even have to read most threads anymore.
All I can say is that I take each post on its own merit based on the thread topic. I don’t look at the number of posts a person has made nor their rep. SuperCollider…come on, use some commonsense.
I’ve never seen someone make a post along the lines of ‘Oh xyz, you have soooo many posts and lots of shiny green dots so I’m going to believe everything you say’. If you can show me ONE post like this on BS I’ll eat my own shirt.
Seems like that guy Cracky McSlugfoot has a huge row of green varrots and yet always makes rude comments at other people’s expense.
Bitch, I will fuck your ass so raw it’ll prolapse and I’ll make you wear it as a hat.
I am a CO-FOUNDER, that isn’t an imaginary phrase drawn from thin air, without me, this site wouldn’t exist. You are just one in a long line of ignorant dickfucks who shit on this site by complaining. I don’t need cocktuckers like you to tell me how to post.
Now, if you’re in no further need of forced rectal prolapse via verbal rapage, I’ll be done with you…
I think you said it all there, true to form, no value wondersoft wanker. You are utterly reprehensible, like JFS, but accepted here as an owner and leader of the site. If you truly are the equal of the admins here then every time you speak you represent this website and betray everyone who is a stakeholder here.
You are a troll, without credibility, a weak little man desperate to prove he has some balls. Here on the internet you have a chance of fooling people. In real life you’d get bitch slapped and run home crying home to mama!