[quote=S0meguy;2076118]I’m a third year psych student at a major university focusing on this subject. Most of what he has said thusfar is at least fairly accurate, but some of the details are a bit amiss. Research multiple sources for the same reason you train multiple martial arts.
Credentials, not some half baked bullshit. I went to a very good university too, and I can tell you that 84% of psych majors don’t know shit. In fact, they know much less than shit.
I think that there should be a little more emphasis on just how different one woman can be from another, though. There is no substitute for communication between partners. Ask your girl what she likes. Ask her to help you figure out (or show you) exactly what to do.
Did you also miss the part where I said exactly that? What the fuck is wrong with people these days?
Also, it’s worth noting that being overly focused on inducing orgasm is counterproductive. Women are capable of having a fulfilling sexual experience without orgasm and some gorilla between your legs constantly looking up and asking “are you there you yet” is unfair because it puts unrealistic pressure on your partner to perform. You shouldn’t think of orgasms like points in a basketball game but rather as a potential side effect of pleasing your woman. One’s prowess in the sack isn’t measured by the quantity of orgasms induced on a given night but by the long-term satisfaction of himself and his partner in a relationship (sometimes that will include the wild night with twenty-five sequential orgasms, but sometimes it means intimacy and three hours of fore-play followed by coffee and pancakes in the morning before work).
This is just brilliant. Fucking brilliant. You may be in the 16% after all.
Fuckin’ A.
If you think the OP was condescending, you pro’lly need this shit bad. Suck up your pride and try to learn something.
But you had to go and fuck it up by pulling conclusions out of thin air. And now the flashbacks of having frustrating conversations with psych majors hit me like a half brick to the skull.
I recommend talking to your girlfriend about what she does when she’s having alone time and how you can replicate that. Also, The Guide to Getting it On and Tickle Your Fancy are great places to pick up some stuff to try with your partner.
I recommend not doing that. Masturbation is not sex, I don’t really see why you would want to make them similar. Then she might as well be doing it herself, in fact you are going to be less adept at doing what she does because she has probably had more practice and you can’t actually read her mind.
OP: Open dialogues about this topic are a good thing. Don’t let some idiot dissuade you from posting because of his insecurities. Nay-sayers like that are the reason that people in this country are so fucked up when it comes to sex.
Oh, so I bring up some relevant, valid points and suddenly I’m an idiot nay-sayer with insecurities and shit instead of someone who is really just trying to keep the OP honest. Oh, I see how it is.
And open dialogues is what I’m aiming for here. Not some motherfucker on the internet writing his opinions down and 18 other idiots chiming in going “oh, yes, that sounds like some shit I read in a fucking magazine/what my friends say therefore it must be correct”.
Also, I’m not from your “this country”, my country is significantly more fucked up when it comes to sex, and it’s awesome.