Mike Miles Muay Thai

I’ve been looking up Mike Miles from Calgary and wondering if his credentials are real or made up (www.mikemiles.com) Areas of contentment are

  • that I cannot find no fight videos of his online
  • can’t find any record of anybody hes ever fought
  • he calls himself ajarn or kru, but I can’t find any other well known muay thai fighters who use this title
  • 2007 - COMAA World Lightheavyweight Kickboxing Title ?? wtf is COMAA, can’t find no info on this organization, and I am pretty sure he stopped competing competitively a long time ago
  • he said he got his title of Ajarn by Ajarn Panya Kraitus, who the hell is that

Pretty much every title listed, is unverifiable, can anyone verify any of these credentials.

Re: Mike Miles Muay Thai

I am not in a position to verify his credentials, but I can say the guy has been around the MA circles in Calgary forever. He’s trained some pretty damn good athletes. I’ve seen him fight back in the 80’s.

Cannot verify credentials, but his skill is real.

Re: Mike Miles Muay Thai

I don’t doubt his skill as a teacher, but I doubt the validity of his credentials, just like most people believe Rickson is the best if not the best at bjj but don’t believe in his 472-0 (or whatever claim).

I was wondering if anyone here could actually verify the information because it sounds like myth and self-promotion when there is no indepedent verification of the information.

Re: Mike Miles Muay Thai

[QUOTE=justinbieber;2505975]I don’t doubt his skill as a teacher, but I doubt the validity of his credentials[/QUOTE]

Have you emailed him about his credentials? What part of his credentials do you question? Do you have some connection to him? If you do, what is your connection and what makes you question him?

It looks like he fought in the early to mid-90s so it is possible that no video of him fighting is out there.

Re: Mike Miles Muay Thai

First of all, ‘kru’ is a widely known term in the world of Muay Thai circle. The fact you are unfamiliar with it just makes me think you should not be examining anyone’s credentials.

COMAA, if you actually bothered to google anything at all, is the Continental Open Martial Arts Association. Whether or not this is some prestigious MA org is irrelevant. There are search results about other people winning COMAA events, so at the very least he did not make it up.

Just because you do not know who ‘Ajarn Panya Kraitus’ is does not mean he is not a credible instructor. Google him.

Actually I did google COMAA and the results are things such as College of Marin Alumni Association, COMAA CORPORATION, could not fight a website of any martial art organization. However Continental Open Martial Arts Association does show up but any information on it is scarce.

To searcher66071, I just recently watched the Alex Ricci vs Jesse miles fight on a blog where Miles ends up being koed by the fight ends up being overturned to a win for Miles. This in turn resulted in Miles being the Canadian representative in the now cancelled Contender 2 Asia. There was some controversy and accusations saying that this was due to the influence of Mike Miles and now I’m wondering who this guy is.

Ahhh so, are you going to train with this guy in the future? I’ve seen nothing that warrants this being in MABS. The eighties? You can’t find records, obviously online, for a guy that dates back to the eighties?

Just because records are scarce doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I find it interesting that:

Actually I did google COMAA and the results are things such as College of Marin Alumni Association, COMAA CORPORATION, could not fight a website of any martial art organization. However Continental Open Martial Arts Association does show up but any information on it is scarce.
You didn’t know what to look for and still find a way to put down help when your search failed.

Did COMAA come up? Yes.
Did you miss it? Yes.

Now as to your allegation of impropriety, get some proof or this will be moved to another area.

doesn’t KRU just mean ‘teacher’ ?

[QUOTE=justinbieber;2505711]I’ve been looking up Mike Miles from Calgary and wondering if his credentials are real or made up (www.mikemiles.com) Areas of contentment are

  • that I cannot find no fight videos of his online[/quote]

He’s been running his school since well before digital videos were taken, so any videos would be analog, have to be converted and then uploaded, and even those aren’t that common. You’ve got hardly any videos of anyone from the 80s and 90s. Lack of them really doesn’t say anything. Youtube is only a few years old, I’d have a hunch you’re not much older.

  • can’t find any record of anybody hes ever fought

Can you find a record of anyone other than big names like Ramon Dekker? If records were widely available for other people and he were the odd one out, you might have a point. As is, there’s nothing unusual about it.

  • he calls himself ajarn or kru, but I can’t find any other well known muay thai fighters who use this title

You suck at Google.

  • 2007 - COMAA World Lightheavyweight Kickboxing Title ?? wtf is COMAA, can’t find no info on this organization, and I am pretty sure he stopped competing competitively a long time ago

People come out of retirement, nothing unusual about it.

Pretty much every title listed, is unverifiable, can anyone verify any of these credentials.

I’m sure it’s perfectly verifiable if you’re heavily involved in Muay Thai. You obviously aren’t. I’m not either, but I’m a hell of a lot more versed in it than you. You shouldn’t really be starting something like that.

[QUOTE=justinbieber;2505711]I’ve been looking up Mike Miles from Calgary and wondering if his credentials are real or made up (www.mikemiles.com) Areas of contentment are

  • that I cannot find no fight videos of his online
  • can’t find any record of anybody hes ever fought
  • he calls himself ajarn or kru, but I can’t find any other well known muay thai fighters who use this title
  • 2007 - COMAA World Lightheavyweight Kickboxing Title ?? wtf is COMAA, can’t find no info on this organization, and I am pretty sure he stopped competing competitively a long time ago
  • he said he got his title of Ajarn by Ajarn Panya Kraitus, who the hell is that

Pretty much every title listed, is unverifiable, can anyone verify any of these credentials.[/QUOTE]

GoodGod man, did you Google anything actually? In 5 minutes I was able to find 90% of what you were “searching” for… wow. Weak.

[QUOTE=justinbieber;2505975]I don’t doubt his skill as a teacher, but I doubt the validity of his credentials, just like most people believe Rickson is the best if not the best at bjj but don’t believe in his 472-0 (or whatever claim).

I was wondering if anyone here could actually verify the information because it sounds like myth and self-promotion when there is no indepedent verification of the information.[/QUOTE]

I believe you could answer your own questions if you talked with him. You may find that pretty difficult, because AFAIK, he’s pretty busy running a few gyms around the area. I doubt he would take the time to train you.

What was your purpose for this, anyways? Are you looking to train? Or did you think you were outing a fraud?

…and pretty much what I found before I posted.