Michael Jackson @ UFC 84

I don’t consider celebrity news to be actual news, but I’m bored…

and Pizz won’t post it for me. :dontknow:


Jacko Enjoys Smacko Through Cracko

Michael Jackson is already thrusting his face back into the Las Vegas spotlight … two inches of forehead at a time.

Jacko hit the Ultimate Fighting Championship match at the MGM Grand Saturday night, clad in his finest burka-ish ensemble. That’s not a typo – Michael Jackson enjoys cage fighting!

MJ rolled up to the event in a wheelchair, just in time to watch Tito Ortiz get smacked around … that is, if he could see anything through those ridiculously blacked out shades.

Bizarre. Then again, what news involving Jacko isn’t?

I’m sure he like this brand of MMA much more:YouTube - Kids MMA Cage Fight (exhibition)

I am quite sure “Jacko” thought UFC stood for Unlimited Free Children

his disguise is so good.

Hes calling McCully Culkin up now to ask if he wants a BJJ
