Merry Christmas to me-I'm so tired of this butt hole.

So as per JNP’s request I’ve taken my extreme dislike of this faggot onto this thread.

(quick link)Muerteds

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;1450909]Dan Zan Ryu is a hit or miss style. Depends who you train with. We had this one 4th degree move into my area he was an idiot. Opened up a gym 2 blocks from me put up a sign that said “Jujitsu the way it’s supposed to be taught”. I went in and talked to him. I was nice about it, well not really, and in short asked him what that was supposed to mean. After an interesting conversation I told him he wasn’t going to last long with that attitude. 3 months later he closed down.

BTW yes I’ve trained with guys from Dan Zan Ryu. If you like to get mired down more with terminology (spell check) then Dan Zan Ryu is for you.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2565720]My experience with Dan Zan Ryu “Senseis” have been less than cordial over the years. While I’ve had respect for the system I personally think that the majority of instructors I’ve come across are full of themselves; not that they don’t know what their talking about.

I sense this in you, but it is what it is. A Dan Zan Ryu school in this town opened up advertising “Jujitsu the way it’s supposed to be taught”. They didn’t like my little stop over lecture. When I was in a magazine store with a friend of mine he walked on over with a blackbelt magazine. He saw an article that said ‘Judo strikes’.

“I didn’t know Judo had strikes”

“I replied yes it does. Kicks on the other hand not really”.

I then was approached by an older gentleman telling me that Judo did have kicks. I turned toward him and qualified my answer. “I don’t remember learning any kicks in Judo.”

“They are in the Kata”

At this point I wanted to argue the point “I wouldn’t really call those actual Judo kicks”, but chose to simply introduce myself.

He stated who he was, 6th dan in Dan Zan Ryu. Then lectured that maybe I should actually learn about Judo before talking about it ignorantly. This was shortly before I joined Bullshido back in 2002. I’ve had several conversations with practitioners over the years since. You’ll forgive me if anybody proclaiming Dan Zan Ryu rubs me the wrong way. It’s going to take me awhile to get over the distaste.[/QUOTE]

Muerteds has taken it upon himself to troll 2 other threads that I’ve been on for no apparent reason except he has hemorrhoids. Well this is what I think about Dan Zan Ryu you fucking retard. Try using a search function for once. Knowing what I know of you and I know of Dan Zan Ryu I think your kids are fucked unless their mom has a level fucking head.

So get it off your chest dumbass; before the New Year.

So all I see here are your danzan ryu critiques. What’s your beef with Muerteds? Or, rather, where can we find this trolling?

He’s just got back of a temp ban… perhaps he’s still got sand in his vag ?

[QUOTE=Permalost;2646970]So all I see here are your danzan ryu critiques. What’s your beef with Muerteds? Or, rather, where can we find this trolling?[/QUOTE]Search function or profile post check noob.

Ignorami, it sounds like you’re doing the right things on the whole. In some ways, you’re going to have to let your kid forge his own path. My buddy’s kid was in judo, and decided it was a lot of hard work and sweating. He begged to quit judo and do karate instead. I know why. Some of the kids who liked to horseplay and fuck around would kick and punch each other when they weren’t supposed to (including buddy’s kid). Then they’d get in trouble.

Easy to see that the kiddo figured kicking and punching was the secret to easy fighting. Funny part is, his dad knows who to take him to for karate that will smoke his ass and make him sweat just as hard as he ever did in judo. He’ll learn that nothing worthwhile is easy, but it will take him time.

Permalost- Omega’s beef is that I’ve told him I think his business practices are rude and that he acts like a bully. I, obviously, should strive to ride his nuts more like It is Fake, but it’s so crowded on that scrotum.

Nope, no sand in my vag, but my wetsuit. That shit won’t come out without a week-long dry and a good shake.

Omega- I took the liberty of reading all the danzan ryu threads when I joined up, being as that’s why my buddy told me I should check the website site out. I’m well aware of your feelings towards it, but my experience has been much different. If you took a moment to read my background, you might see that judo is in there. If you pondered for a moment where my kid might have practiced judo with me and his grandma, the answer, “judo class”, might have presented itself. You probably didn’t notice where I posted it earlier, so I’ll relay this little bit for you: my danzan ryu school did a clinic at Hawaii Tenri judo about a month or so ago. Crossover here is no big deal, nor was it at my school in Alaska. You’re tilting at windmills.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647002] I, obviously, should strive to ride his nuts more like It is Fake, but it’s so crowded on that scrotum. [/quote]Yes, if you rode his nuts like me you would be perma-banned. Don’t get your raging hard-on and moral duplicity twisted with what I do and don’t support from Omega.

Don’t drag me into you current “Muerteds Stalks men based on condescending morals” activities.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647002]Permalost- Omega’s beef is that I’ve told him I think his business practices are rude and that he acts like a bully. I, obviously, should strive to ride his nuts more like It is Fake, but it’s so crowded on that scrotum.

Nope, no sand in my vag, but my wetsuit. That shit won’t come out without a week-long dry and a good shake.

Omega- I took the liberty of reading all the danzan ryu threads when I joined up, being as that’s why my buddy told me I should check the website site out. I’m well aware of your feelings towards it, but my experience has been much different. If you took a moment to read my background, you might see that judo is in there. If you pondered for a moment where my kid might have practiced judo with me and his grandma, the answer, “judo class”, might have presented itself. You probably didn’t notice where I posted it earlier, so I’ll relay this little bit for you: my danzan ryu school did a clinic at Hawaii Tenri judo about a month or so ago. Crossover here is no big deal, nor was it at my school in Alaska. You’re tilting at windmills.[/QUOTE]I see you’ve been drinking the kool aide again. Getting your opinion on martial arts would like asking a person blind at birth to describe a rainbow.

You don’t know what my business practices are asshole. By all means let us know what you think they are though, I’m in this for a good laugh.

PS…you started this shit well before that thread so stop lying off your ass.
*edit: Make sure you don’t put Judo in quotes if you’d like me to take it literally.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647002]Permalost- Omega’s beef is that I’ve told him I think his business practices are rude and that he acts like a bully. I, obviously, should strive to ride his nuts more like It is Fake, but it’s so crowded on that scrotum.

[/QUOTE]Oh, on this particular quote, IIF and I have butted heads many times. He does not “ride my nutz”, we just tend to see a eye to eye a lot of times.

Thanks for reminding me that you used to live in Alaska. Gives me an idea of why you’re such a fucking retard when it comes to logic.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2646991]Ignorami, it sounds like you’re doing the right things on the whole. In some ways, you’re going to have to let your kid forge his own path. My buddy’s kid was in judo, and decided it was a lot of hard work and sweating. He begged to quit judo and do karate instead. I know why. Some of the kids who liked to horseplay and fuck around would kick and punch each other when they weren’t supposed to (including buddy’s kid). Then they’d get in trouble.

Easy to see that the kiddo figured kicking and punching was the secret to easy fighting. Funny part is, his dad knows who to take him to for karate that will smoke his ass and make him sweat just as hard as he ever did in judo. He’ll learn that nothing worthwhile is easy, but it will take him time.[/QUOTE]Yeah, you’re so educated with how to raise kids, how many did you say you had and how old?

*Yes, I moved it since I promised not to go into it in the other thread.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647017]I see you’ve been drinking the kool aide again. Getting your opinion on martial arts would like asking a person blind at birth to describe a rainbow. [/QUOTE]

Nice easy chunks here. Ok, fine, I’ll bite. How does me reading what you wrote regarding danzan ryu not enable me to get an idea of your opinion on it? Am I wrong in concluding that you don’t care for it, or its practitioners? And did you pay attention where I’ve done lots of other stuff, too? It’s a tool in my toolbox. I like it. You don’t. I fail to see what I’m missing.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647017]You don’t know what my business practices are asshole. By all means let us know what you think they are though, I’m in this for a good laugh.[/QUOTE]

All I know is what you wrote on your thread where you bitched about people calling to ask you about rates. You asked for feedback, and I gave you my opinion, layered in a little shit-talk for bitching. I didn’t, and still don’t, care for your outlook on it. I didn’t, and still don’t, care that it works for you.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647017]PS…you started this shit well before that thread so stop lying off your ass.[/QUOTE]

You’re going to have to help me with this one, really. I was pretty sure that was the first time I ever gave you any lip. Jog my memory if I’m wrong. I can think of a number of people I’ve butted heads with on here before, but you’re a fairly recent addition to the list of people I rub the wrong way.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647017]Oh, on this particular quote, IIF and I have butted heads many times. He does not “ride my nutz”, we just tend to see a eye to eye a lot of times.[/QUOTE]

Heh, the humor of this statement escaped you. I should have used the proper smiley:


[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647017]Thanks for reminding me that you used to live in Alaska. Gives me an idea of why you’re such a fucking retard when it comes to logic.[/QUOTE]

Right then. You should also jump on the Mississippi bit; I’ve been stationed there twice. You wouldn’t want to lose that golden opportunity for redneck and southern humor. If you’re going to use the angle that I’m from Texas, I do wish you’d avoid the whole “steers and queers” line. It’s so trite and overdone. Let me know if you need more regional fodder for appropriate flaming.

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2647021]Yeah, you’re so educated with how to raise kids, how many did you say you had and how old?

*Yes, I moved it since I promised not to go into it in the other thread.[/QUOTE]

Shame you moved that particular post, since it was on-topic for the original question. Why the appeal to authority for a fairly low-controversy anecdotal post? Will my number of children allow you to definitively state if I have enough experience? Will their ages get me enough experience points to level up to Level 15 Dad? :SoMuchWin:

I answered this one before, but just for you- I have three of them, 2, 6 and 14.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647028]Nice easy chunks here. Ok, fine, I’ll bite. How does me reading what you wrote regarding danzan ryu not enable me to get an idea of your opinion on it? Am I wrong in concluding that you don’t care for it, or its practitioners? And did you pay attention where I’ve done lots of other stuff, too? It’s a tool in my toolbox. I like it. You don’t. I fail to see what I’m missing.
[/Quote]Reading comprehension for one.

All I know is what you wrote on your thread where you bitched about people calling to ask you about rates. You asked for feedback, and I gave you my opinion, layered in a little shit-talk for bitching. I didn’t, and still don’t, care for your outlook on it. I didn’t, and still don’t, care that it works for you.
Failing at reading comprehension again, I wasn’t asking for your opinion.

You’re going to have to help me with this one, really. I was pretty sure that was the first time I ever gave you any lip. Jog my memory if I’m wrong. I can think of a number of people I’ve butted heads with on here before, but you’re a fairly recent addition to the list of people I rub the wrong way.
Thread about a person carrying a gun, a knife, and wearing a tap out sweat shirt.

Heh, the humor of this statement escaped you. I should have used the proper smiley:

You seem to be the only one laughing.

Right then. You should also jump on the Mississippi bit; I’ve been stationed there twice. You wouldn’t want to lose that golden opportunity for redneck and southern humor. If you’re going to use the angle that I’m from Texas, I do wish you’d avoid the whole “steers and queers” line. It’s so trite and overdone. Let me know if you need more regional fodder for appropriate flaming.
No, I think a lot of people from Mississippi are fairly illogical too. You’re just keeping on pace.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647032]Shame you moved that particular post, since it was on-topic for the original question. Why the appeal to authority for a fairly low-controversy anecdotal post? Will my number of children allow you to definitively state if I have enough experience? Will their ages get me enough experience points to level up to Level 15 Dad? :SoMuchWin:

I answered this one before, but just for you- I have three of them, 2, 6 and 14.[/QUOTE]Any of them not retarded? 14 year old in Juvenile Hall or was he granted mercy and actually gotten some of the mother’s traits?

Ahhh, yes. I did talk to you previously, that’s right. I was nice. You were an asshole. Funny, I told you that you were tilting at windmills then, too. Seems like you’re still at the same task a year later.

Any of them not retarded? 14 year old in Juvenile Hall or was he granted mercy and actually gotten some of the mother’s traits?

My daughter loves judo, thanks. She loves ninjas, too, but she’s 14.

Your standard bully routine isn’t very effective, here. How’s about you worry about that hapkido guy you’re trying to encourage to come out and get stomped? He seems to have taken your bait nicely. Another notch in the ol’ belt for you.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647069]Ahhh, yes. I did talk to you previously, that’s right. I was nice. You were an asshole. Funny, I told you that you were tilting at windmills then, too. Seems like you’re still at the same task a year later.

My daughter loves judo, thanks. She loves ninjas, too, but she’s 14.

Your standard bully routine isn’t very effective, here. How’s about you worry about that hapkido guy you’re trying to encourage to come out and get stomped? He seems to have taken your bait nicely. Another notch in the ol’ belt for you.[/QUOTE]You’re passive aggressive bullshit doesn’t work with me either. You weren’t “nice” there either. Just like every other time you assume things about me. Your windmill metaphor must be a projected thought because you’ve come to a conclusion twice without even empirical proof.

Bullying would be trying to threaten you, trying to pick on you for no apparent reason besides the fact that you are weak. That would be you. You have yet to provide any proof of any of the things you’ve accused me of.

You don’t like my business practices? You even admit you don’t know what they were.

You accused me something in that other thread to. No proof.

You have a chip on your shoulder. You are “bullying” me without provocation. I notice you haven’t argued any of the other points I made.

Dan Zan Ryu cultivates a cult like mentality. You display a cult like mentality. Like I said “Drinking from the kool aide”. Glad you expose your children to that crap. What’s next? Scientology?

Wait right there, hombre. I was nice. Asking questions to get a sense of where someone is coming from is known as “Trying to understand an opinion”… aaaand then you called me a retard for it. Disagreeing with you is not assuming anything, it’s called debate.

Ummm, I thought I made it clear I didn’t like the business practice you discussed in that thread. I think your bitching about it here was catty and petty. What proof do you require aside from you creating a thread to be bitchy?

A chip? Perhaps. I don’t like bullies. Your behavior to me and a ton of other people on this site screams “bully”. The first interaction I ever had with you was asking a question to debate a point, and you acted like an asshole. Gee, wonder how that colored my opinion of you?

Heh. Now it’s your turn to offer some proof. Did the danzan ryu folks in Hawaii or Alaska strike you as cult-like? Which ones did so? Exactly how have I displayed a cult-like mentality? I’m pretty sure I haven’t been chanting “One of us…one of us…one of us…” lately.

Dear Santa,

I’d like to see Muerteds rage quit.

That is all

Thank you

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2647090]Wait right there, hombre. I was nice. Asking questions to get a sense of where someone is coming from is known as “Trying to understand an opinion”… aaaand then you called me a retard for it. Disagreeing with you is not assuming anything, it’s called debate. [/quote] No you assumed my position. Like now I’m going to ask you to quote me.

Ummm, I thought I made it clear I didn’t like the business practice you discussed in that thread. I think your bitching about it here was catty and petty. What proof do you require aside from you creating a thread to be bitchy?
You don’t know my business practices. I want proof. (How many times have I asked this?)

A chip? Perhaps. I don’t like bullies. Your behavior to me and a ton of other people on this site screams “bully”. The first interaction I ever had with you was asking a question to debate a point, and you acted like an asshole. Gee, wonder how that colored my opinion of you?

Heh. Now it’s your turn to offer some proof. Did the danzan ryu folks in Hawaii or Alaska strike you as cult-like? Which ones did so? Exactly how have I displayed a cult-like mentality? I’m pretty sure I haven’t been chanting “One of us…one of us…one of us…” lately.

Your quote:

and work on his “samurai walk” in shiko. I like that,

I came to the conclusion about Dan Zan Ryu this year after people like you and others who practice Dan Zan Ryu come in here and spout their bullshit. I have had fighters from Alaska come train with me; very interesting dude. See, I’m separating people from Alaska, Hawaii, and Mississippi from the practitioners of Dan Zan Ryu.

Your personality got you banned because you needed to print in a specific font if I remember.

You decide to jump on a thread and lecture me. You thought you asked a simple question but IMO you just wanted a soap box to preach on…

Fair enough, we disagreed in one thread, then you jump on another thread meant for venting, assume you know my business practices, and come of with a facetious comment in order to troll. My opinion is that you were still butt sore I wasn’t friendly to you in the last thread. Yet in that thread I treated you fairly civil but you couldn’t even be bothered with that. Remember that windmill comment you keep spouting?

So you’re going to call me a bully. Prove it. You say you don’t like my business practices yet you don’t know what they are? Have some integrity and finish the bullshit you started or concede when you recognize you might’ve been barking up the wrong tree. You don’t like me that’s fine. Keep it to yourself.

[QUOTE=Ho Ho Fcuk You !;2647109]Dear Santa,

I’d like to see Muerteds rage quit.

That is all

Thank you[/QUOTE]

This thread won’t be complete unless Muertard (trololol) goes full krotty retard and tells us all how Omega “IZ N0T TROO MARSHAL ARTSIST HAS N0 R3SP3T N0 H0N0UR ZEEROW HOOMULITAAAY!1111”

You are late to the party. That is how this entire crapfest started.