So as per JNP’s request I’ve taken my extreme dislike of this faggot onto this thread.
(quick link)Muerteds
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;1450909]Dan Zan Ryu is a hit or miss style. Depends who you train with. We had this one 4th degree move into my area he was an idiot. Opened up a gym 2 blocks from me put up a sign that said “Jujitsu the way it’s supposed to be taught”. I went in and talked to him. I was nice about it, well not really, and in short asked him what that was supposed to mean. After an interesting conversation I told him he wasn’t going to last long with that attitude. 3 months later he closed down.
BTW yes I’ve trained with guys from Dan Zan Ryu. If you like to get mired down more with terminology (spell check) then Dan Zan Ryu is for you.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2565720]My experience with Dan Zan Ryu “Senseis” have been less than cordial over the years. While I’ve had respect for the system I personally think that the majority of instructors I’ve come across are full of themselves; not that they don’t know what their talking about.
I sense this in you, but it is what it is. A Dan Zan Ryu school in this town opened up advertising “Jujitsu the way it’s supposed to be taught”. They didn’t like my little stop over lecture. When I was in a magazine store with a friend of mine he walked on over with a blackbelt magazine. He saw an article that said ‘Judo strikes’.
“I didn’t know Judo had strikes”
“I replied yes it does. Kicks on the other hand not really”.
I then was approached by an older gentleman telling me that Judo did have kicks. I turned toward him and qualified my answer. “I don’t remember learning any kicks in Judo.”
“They are in the Kata”
At this point I wanted to argue the point “I wouldn’t really call those actual Judo kicks”, but chose to simply introduce myself.
He stated who he was, 6th dan in Dan Zan Ryu. Then lectured that maybe I should actually learn about Judo before talking about it ignorantly. This was shortly before I joined Bullshido back in 2002. I’ve had several conversations with practitioners over the years since. You’ll forgive me if anybody proclaiming Dan Zan Ryu rubs me the wrong way. It’s going to take me awhile to get over the distaste.[/QUOTE]
Muerteds has taken it upon himself to troll 2 other threads that I’ve been on for no apparent reason except he has hemorrhoids. Well this is what I think about Dan Zan Ryu you fucking retard. Try using a search function for once. Knowing what I know of you and I know of Dan Zan Ryu I think your kids are fucked unless their mom has a level fucking head.
So get it off your chest dumbass; before the New Year.