
I recently chose Shorin Ryu over a local Aikido school because the Aikido school was on the 4th floor and the elavator was out. My left knee was sore after my first look-and-see, so I went with 1st floor Shorin Ryu, so to speak. I have much respect for Aikido, as it seems similar to Judo-which is what I’d really prefer.

Welcome to trollshido you fuckwit.

I think he’s genuinely an old fat guy with a bad knee.

I don’t give a fuck.

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2616043]I don’t give a fuck.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough.


I recently chose Shorin Ryu over a local Aikido school because the Aikido school was on the 4th floor and the elavator was out. My left knee was sore after my first look-and-see, so I went with 1st floor Shorin Ryu, so to speak. I have much respect for Aikido, as it seems similar to Judo-which is what I’d really prefer.[/QUOTE]
This is funny in so many ways…well…one way…but it’s very funny.

One time, I had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to a massage parlor. It was brutal.

If I had used the stairs approach to activity choice when I move to Canada I would be studying ballroom dancing rather than Kali, makes you think doesn’t it?

[QUOTE=Permalost;2616232]One time, I had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to a massage parlor. It was brutal.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Chinatown in London. Near Gunghwa Bookshop, yes?

[QUOTE=Pharabus;2616233]If I had used the stairs approach to activity choice when I move to Canada I would be studying ballroom dancing rather than Kali, makes you think doesn’t it?[/QUOTE]

My first year commerce lectures were up the stairs from the uni bar. Had I chosen to go up those stairs more often, then I would probably have had higher marks on my transcript that no-one sees. Yeah, makes you wonder…

[QUOTE=Permalost;2616232]One time, I had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to a massage parlor. It was brutal.[/QUOTE]

Happy ending?

Rock Ape,

I would’ve expected fairer and less vulgar treatment from a British military officer. My post was an honest one.

[QUOTE=eggman;2616442]Rock Ape,

I would’ve expected fairer and less vulgar treatment from a British military officer. My post was an honest one.[/QUOTE]I’m not an officer. and what I do for a living has fuck all to do with what goes on around here.

[QUOTE=eggman;2616442]Rock Ape,

I would’ve expected fairer and less vulgar treatment from a British military officer. My post was an honest one.[/QUOTE]

Then you need to lurk more and post less. The fact that you were serious makes your post even more deserving of ridicule.

[QUOTE=eggman;2616442]Rock Ape,

I would’ve expected fairer and less vulgar treatment from a British military officer. My post was an honest one.[/QUOTE]
Welcome to Bullshido. Grow a thick skin, and get over it. The irony of you not wanting to climb a flight of stairs, to get to the martial arts school of your initial choosing, was likely too much for him to not react.

Though it may have been entirely reasonable the way it happened in-real-life…reading it the way you put it, was hilarious. Stick around, roll with the punches, and never think wearing a uniform makes someone an ambassador of niceness. That isn’t what the Crown pays them for.


It was 8 flights, and yes it caused my knee to hurt. I was prepared to study Aikido. Those 8 flights caused me enough pain to suspend my excercise routine for senveral days, fwiw. Mine was an honest post. I’m more than a little taken aback at the responses.

[QUOTE=eggman;2616480]I’m more than a little taken aback at the responses.[/QUOTE]This place isn’t for you then. Sorry

Try … The lovely world of Fluffy Martial Arts where everyone gets one with everyone else

Edit: Oh and trust me, for different reasons, that place is far more frustrating than here.

You were shocked, I understand this, my friend. It might help to think of parts of this site as a bar setting. Odds are, if something looks stupid, it will be treated as such, until proven or shown to be otherwise. There’s a lot of stupidity that comes from new posters here. Not that your post was automatically stupid or false…just that it could have been, from many points of view.

There’s a heavy focus on BS on alive training, and many of the posters, (although by-no-means all) train, and are kinda kickass in personality. It could have been read as
“waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my knee, so not Aikido but shorin summit…”

That wasn’t what you were saying, but it may have pinged a radar or two, that it could be retarded in nature. It happened to ping a Mod, so it was moved.

No big thing. This is a great site, but a thick skin, and the willingness to roll with stuff, goes a long way. When I came here first, it was ugly for a bit, as I’m kinda stormy, and wasn’t realizing at the time, just how many idiots come on here…making an awkward intro by a genuine person prone to getting flamed.

My life is pretty weird, and some things I posted, not knowing how much bullshit is hoisted on the forums, by haters, fakers, wannabes and also-rans, got me fuckyouflamed for a time.
It’s fine, just roll with it, and enjoy THE GREATEST SITE ON THE INTERNETS.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2616232]One time, I had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to a massage parlor. It was brutal.[/QUOTE]Whips and chains kinda place huh?