You were shocked, I understand this, my friend. It might help to think of parts of this site as a bar setting. Odds are, if something looks stupid, it will be treated as such, until proven or shown to be otherwise. There’s a lot of stupidity that comes from new posters here. Not that your post was automatically stupid or false…just that it could have been, from many points of view.
There’s a heavy focus on BS on alive training, and many of the posters, (although by-no-means all) train, and are kinda kickass in personality. It could have been read as
“waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my knee, so not Aikido but shorin summit…”
That wasn’t what you were saying, but it may have pinged a radar or two, that it could be retarded in nature. It happened to ping a Mod, so it was moved.
No big thing. This is a great site, but a thick skin, and the willingness to roll with stuff, goes a long way. When I came here first, it was ugly for a bit, as I’m kinda stormy, and wasn’t realizing at the time, just how many idiots come on here…making an awkward intro by a genuine person prone to getting flamed.
My life is pretty weird, and some things I posted, not knowing how much bullshit is hoisted on the forums, by haters, fakers, wannabes and also-rans, got me fuckyouflamed for a time.
It’s fine, just roll with it, and enjoy THE GREATEST SITE ON THE INTERNETS.