Mega TD T-shirt discussion

Right, wishlist so far:
Short sleeved
Black with red printing
Front and back Bullshido with Ground Control logo on sleeve

What quality shirt do you want?
What bullshido graphics do you want? Do you want the fighting bull? Might need 2 colors to make that work.

And turnaround time on these shirts is around 2 weeks, so we do have some time here. And John, I’ve emailed and called you. I got an error off your email and “not accepting calls” from your phone.

And a quick search shows that for a cheap T with one color, we can get 30 shirts at 9.25 a pop. That is without sleeve printing though. I’ll keep looking around.

Let’s post some graphics ideas in this thread.

I suggest the shirt also have “2006 Bullshido Mega Throwdown: The Mutha in Maryland”
or somethig like that.

For the front of the shirt, how about “Gong Sau?”

Another thing that would be cool is that we can get the styles of all participating and put them on there in a list on the back or something.


That is a great idea on all accounts. The styles-systems thing can be on the back … like a rock concert shirt reflecting all the venues.

Sorry about the Email and phone thing BB. I’m getting my ass handed to me with some major health problems so I’m a bit overwhelmed and slow to respond.

Let’s keep down the cost on the shirts … we need them for the group photo and the Press … that’s it. It would be good if they were affordable to all and I think some people are really $ strapped … just making the event is tapping deep into their financial resources. I’ll buy a few of the shirts and then pull those that can’t afford them to the side to give them a shirt … don’t want to embarrass anyone.

BB, consider taking the Bullshido Logo and interpreting it … keep it recognizable … but customize it so that it stands out for this affair. Same deal on John’s school logo. You’re the Artist … you figure it out.

I’m a 'tard and can’t figure out how to set up my voice mail: 410-206-6258 is my Cell number and about the only way to reach me directly these days. I’ve set up a Yahoo Email account … as I cannot access my AOL account from where I am.

If price is the main concern you should know that a colored shirt (black) is more expensive than a white shirt. Gray is in between.
Sleeve printing will also add to the cost because it’s a pain in the ass.

Still want red on black with Rallo’s logo on the sleeve?

People were against the white shirt because of pit stains. A gray shirt might be a better compromise. Problem there is that we don’t get the same contrast so it wouldn’t show as well in photos and such.

I can’t speak for everybody, but as this event is a big deal, I’d like to have a shirt that is good quality, looks good, and will hold together for a long time.

Hanes beefy T is a good quality no?

There’s no sense in taking a Poll and then blowing it off. The ones that cared to enough to voice their preference made the decision. Black shirt with red lettering.

If the sleeve printing is a pain in the ass then let’s consider relocating John’s Logo … how about something over the heart or to the right on the front? Something that would be contained in a 3 inch diameter circle would be small enough to not compete with the Bullshido Logo but still show up.

If the quality drives up the cost $3 - 5 or so per shirt I’ll donate the money to offset the increase if it becomes an issue.

Okay, can we get some designs up and revisit the other shirt crap at a later date?