As I recall, some Bullies (Cracky included) posted musings about going to Japan and teaching English. This being triple-L, I managed to find three ladies (four, if you include the first one) going over some basic terminology. Once the new word is taught and placed in context, the three hotties appear on-screen to reinforce the lesson:
Not impressed, I parties with the 12 girls band from China and well they are all dime pieces. Oh and to make Errant mad, yes I made out with more then one of them. So as my first post back in months. I out peepeed you, and Errant, suck it!
I go off topic and say weird jibber jabber when I am intoxicated.
Oh and frank I was at Hensley’s flying elephant pub last week. Managed to kiss a fat girl, get spat in the eye and punched a dude so hard he fell over and sorta did the worm. Before my friends dragged me off. Good times. Good Times.
Ah, Japanese women. The refuge of girl-less dorks the world over. Crippling timmidity? No problem! Just go to a culture that VALUES that behaviour, rather than views it as abnormal!
Apparently if you go over there for more than 3 years you go native and will forever be weird when viewed by westerners.
PS: For fat western dorks, go to Indonesia! Being overweight is a status symbol over there, and I guarantee you will be getting ‘fuck me’ looks from women on the streets.
yeah i think the biggest turn off for me about a lot of japanese girls is the whole demure thing. cant fucking stand it. give me a brazilian girl who throws plates any day of the week over that shit.
[quote=DerAuslander108;2107238]Not impressed by your bragadacio about your yellow fever & your typical Western desires of empire.
You must have a small penis.[/quote]
Dude, you’ve got a yellow fever you can’t sweat out, mein freund.
A friend of mine told me a great story about the time a local brasileras climbed onto her desk [she’s a receptionist] to demonstrate the posture necessary for a good Brazilian wax.
I never really thought of interracial relations as a status symbol thing. I mean, in many a backwards white-elitist group you’d be shunned as primitive or something if you were exclusively interested in non-white women, and if we’re going to argue that some element of that supremicism remains [such as some element of colonial attitudes, like you alluded to] I’d imagine there’d be much more stigma than status towards dipping your pen in Asian ink. I mean, even if we’re talking about bro-y hypermasculine company, “I banged 2 Asians last night” isn’t considered status-enhancing because the girls were Asians, it’s because the speaker slept with two women in one night.
[quote=Alex;2107507]yeah i think the biggest turn off for me about a lot of japanese girls is the whole demure thing. cant fucking stand it. give me a brazilian girl who throws plates any day of the week over that shit.[/quote]I’m a goin to your parties…
I’m sure you know enough about women to know that most of them, even when they appear to be, are not actually that demure. Scratch the surface of most kittens and you find claws that outweigh their whole bodies, epicanthic folds and skin color aside.
Except that the racial stereotype of Asian women has been hypersexualized as something exotic in and of itself based on completely false preconceived notions like we see in this thread. The Asian woman is supposedly at once submissive & yet sexually open. It is a stereotype which places value on an ethnic & gender minority simply based on sexual worth.