MediumMike and Omega are having an adult conversation:

I like tea.

Tea is for wussies!!! :biblethum

My introduction to MediumMike was this thread:

During our conversation there (if it could be called that), he posted this comment in my profile:

His claim to have helped people here is a lie – at the time, he had been here about a week and had made 12 posts. When asked to provide a link to a thread where that happened, he refused, saying he “didn’t have to prove anything.” I’m still trying to figure out wether the last sentence of his above comment is supposed to be a threat, or some glib comment about masturbation.

My conclusion, based on my interactions with him, is that he is a larping troll, and that “self-taught” can be freely translated to “wasn’t taught.”

(edited for clarity)

I love what you write about me. Alot of the things I said. Alot of the things I said were to spark interest and hate. I wanted to see how many out their get upset and don’t. Like I care. Actually I do care. The ones w/ not so good comments will be a future reminder but, I will filter out the real questions in the BS. The good ones. No worries mate. Think of me a Heh Zeus. Everyone is welcomed in my kingdom. Even the wicked if they ask for forgiveness and mean it.

So are you ever going to come to a Throwdown?

Got some throwdowns coming in Florida I do believe, a South Florida one and an Athen GA one (not too far from northern Florida) Hell I will even throw one in the panhandle area.

You can even bring your pack of “wolves” I got a few doggies of my own hehe.

WTF are you trying to say?

I like you, too. Kiss, kiss.

For beating them up or making them tougher. Or are you saying I am a wussie? So confused.

I still deny ever having been in someone’s nose. Done some kinky stuff before, but never up the nose.

Hey Judomofo, shit, I forgot to send you a pm with the link to the SoFla throwdown thread. Mea Culpa. Here it’s the thread:

MediumMike, I don’t know where this thread is going. If you are for real, you are not an asshole, and are interested in friendly sparring with the explicit purpose of evaluating each other skills, and just get together, you are more than welcome to join us.

He’s trying to say we should think of him as Jesus, and he’s trying to make it colloquial by spelling it the way latinos pronounce it (Hey-soos). It’s like he’s run out of good trolls, and is moving to his “B list.”

I need your help, what do you think of using emotion in MMA?

He’s trying to say;

I’m a retarded troll who has no life outside the internet. I have dubbed myself the ultimate keyboard warrior. I liken myself to gods even if they are hopelessly outdated. I’m here to hijack threads, make inane comments, irritate people I don’t know (because they really can’t do anything about it since I would never venture out of my parents basement) and
be the poster child for every negative comment ever written about stupid larping ignorant self important lying internet addicted assholes on the web.

(paraphrased due to space limitations, I could go on forever) :f-off:

Post# 68

I neg repped him for this…and if he is trolling, it wasn’t even funny. Nobody else thought it was either, appearently.

I don’t think you really need my help. Okay. What type of emotion? All emotions can work to your benefit as long as they are controlled and directed w/ accuracy. I notice if I get mad and control the strike the effectiveness is great but, not just flailing limbs. Concentrated hits. Kindness allows me to move swifter. All in all you need some type of control to supress them all so you are balanced so you can use the right one at the right time. Why in MMA? Because thats my style and we want to poke fun? Why not all arts? You want a good one. Try the belief system over blind practice. I’ve always liked to do something on that. I’ll expalin if you are interested. If not I’m sur I will receive an e-mail.

Hey fickle fingers?

Still waiting for you to answer the original question. And for the record I don’t ambush anybody, if I wanted to get you off that thread or verbally abuse you I would’ve done it there. I’m one of the few people who’s allowed to do that…

Its such a cute little troll, all wide eyed and naive. Can I keep it? huh! huh! I’ll feed it and pet it and love it forever, my own little ninja troll!

What was the question Omega? No you can’t keep me Jorer. I’m more like an ogre. Love the icon.

And I will hug him and squeeze him, and name him George. . . .
