Me postz in rulz threats

I’d say we’ve got an 8-9. I personally have broken my nose in what we call “light sparring” twice, so I think we’re pretty tough over here.

WTF are you talking about?

what …

At Nashville MMA, you can get anywhere from an 8 to a 10 in aliveness. Very good school if you are in the Nashville, TN area.

Me postz in rulz threats


Hey Imma beast in grappling and clinch i wanna work on strike so imm lookin for a place in york PA

no joke

:expressionless: look at the face

Am looking for a decent school in southeast michigan, more so as a hobby to keep me in shape than to become billy bad ass… anybody?

[QUOTE=dallasjleyva;2637918]Am looking for a decent school in southeast michigan, more so as a hobby to keep me in shape than to become billy bad ass… anybody?[/QUOTE]

There’s only bill bad ass schools around southeast michigan from what I know. Looks like you are shit outta luck, brah.

I have a better idea, instead of writing random posts on random threads, why not go and introduce yourself in Newbietown? There you can ask these types of questions without keyboard warriors like myself going all O K Corral on you.

Alright, I don’t have much energy on account of me getting back into training seriously again last night, so I will be brief.

YOU are expected to do work. YOU are expected to use the search function, noobs. YOU are expected to provide evidence if you claim something and YOU are expected to bring something to the table.

THE BULLSHIDO COMMUNITY OWES YOU NOT A DAMN THING, you want to find out about a school in your area, search it, want to find out if a martial art is good, read as many threads on the topic as you can. If you have really basic questions or questions about the site and are new, introduce yourself in Newbietown, tell us why you want to train, where you want to train and your background and the community, depending on your attitude, may oblige. They may provide some information that changes the course of your training forever. In fact, this website WILL change the way you view martial arts, if you LURK MORE and post less.

So, my advice, LURK MORE and POST LESS. It is good, sound advice and delivered so nicely that people are going to question if I have lost my touch. I haven’t. So take this advice and heed my warning.