What should I do if she does? I’m terrible at evasiveness, and this is closed quarters, so she will probably get a hold of me.
What is a civilized way of dealing with it when she attacks me? I’m only trained in muay thai and filipino stuff so I don’t know what to do HALP
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Osuofia who?
That stupid troll who keeps popping up on this forum
Oh! Ban pls.
Eldar confirmed for Dawn of War 2. Check out the awesome intro:
YouTube - Dawn of War II - E3 2008 Trailer (HD)
and game footage:
YouTube - E3 gameplay Trailer Dawn of War 2 Warhammer
Who is the Eldar cryptically referring to at the end of the into video? The Nids? Chaos?
dawn of war 2 looks great. Damn another game I have to avoid.
Kill your self. Then she won’t be able to hurt you.
Somebody made a great suggestion in the “Worst technique you’ve ever been taught” thread…
Stick a knife through your left hand before letting her know you don’t think it’s working out.
If she gets hostile, show her the hand with a knife through it. She will be so freaked out by your bad-assitude she will be afraid to assault you.
Everybody wins.
Post a picture of her so we can decide if it’s better to fight back, run or just give in.
Wow Ton,
That was the fastest we have ever got Osoufia to start posting pictures of black women!
I don’t know if I should say well done or not.
Man, I HOPE its the Tyranids.
It is kind of amusing that you get more trouble here than you do at t-nation.
they accuse me of racism here whatwhatwhat
My g/f is hotter. You phail.
quantity > quality I have 4 + pics or didn’t happen = you fail