Me and the unwinnable self protection situation

this is funny I hope. I was in a diner and it was quite busy in the afternoon. This young redneck couple had their kd in there and this kid who was still in car seat cot thing was yelling his head of. The fucking rednecks were ignoring him.

This guy sitting near them was getting really irritated with the kid like every time he went to put pancake in his mouth the kid interupted. He started shouting like “will you make it quite?” and take it outside.

Eventually the redneck dad got pissed of at the oter guy and got up. I thought they were going to fight. to my astonishment he took the kid out and lay him on the table.

He took the kids diaper off and it was like totally full of shit no wonder it was crying all the time. It smelled so bad I almost vomitted. he took the diaper and tried to throw it at the other guy but other guy gets up lightning fast and is gone. Everyone looks shit scared and redneck guy just turned around and shoved the diaper in the first person he saw face which was this old lady who hadn’t said a word. It was disgusting the old lady was spitting shit out and everything it was all in her teeth and all over her face. It was off the planet yukky.

I ran over to hit the redneck to avenge everyone but he picked up the kid before I could so I didn’t attack him.

Sick fucker was wearing a tap out vest to.

Does your mom know you’re on the computer?

Your spelling is more disgusting than the story.

Thread of the Year, close

It’s also way past your bedtime…

well what would you have done? may be he was you?

For those of you not yet acquainted with ITRY, start with this primer image of a beautiful bong sau followed by a palm heel counter to the chest:

Yes, I might have done that but against a shit loaded diaper attack I think I’d sooner run like fuck.

I think the only thing that is full of shit is your story

ITRY, YOU were that poor child in the shitty diaper, weren’t you?

I just wanna hear more about this “tap out vest” and where I can get one.

Must have been this one:


I thought that it is very unfortunate that such idiots wear martial arts uniforms

"And then the waitress pulled out a ninja sword, and like, I went to take it away from her but she put it away . . . "