Mcdojo or bullshido?

[quote=It is Fake;2282036]You broke your promise. This is whining and in multiple threads.

As you were told the first time, go read other investigative threads and learn how to write up a MABS worthy thread. Until you do, all your threads will be moved.

A school review, which we have a section for, is what you just typed. There you can rate the school and every thing.

Also, learn about calling someone a fraud. Don’t do it without proof and documents to back up your assertions.

Do you need the horror stories as to why?[/quote]

Yeah I wasn’t at all trying to come off as whining in those posts. I was just making a couple jokes. Me calling you a son of a bitch is a joke. why so serious?:gwbdance:

[quote=superninjagod;2282029]HEY! None of that! Your heart is in the right place, you just need to go about this properly thats all. I came from BBT. The quality control is off the charts bad. You complained about some girls dad getting an honorary BB in that system of krotty. Well imagine that girls dad now going out and teaching, that is BBT.

Alot of us feel your pain, and don’t wish that on anyone. In fact I was temporarily banned from other forums cause I was too harsh on Karate and BBT, my original back ground.

There is a right way and wrong way to do things here. Just like there is a right way and wrong way to run a club, and teach an art. Anyway I hope that hearing that others have been burned like you gives you some comfort and the strength to move on.

My only complaint about your post is this. You used the first and last name of a student (whom I assume was a lot younger than you). Names should only be used for instructors and school names. You don’t need to used the real names of fellow students of the club who are getting screwed as hard as you did.[/quote]

Listen I thought if I wrote it better this time, that it stay in MABS. But if it didn’t then I thought it will come to YMAS and hopefully we could have some laughs about it. I promise its the last time this is going to happen. If anything I’ll write a review like you said.

I’m just stating that if my thread got moved then I’d make sure to try not to whine. As for protecting people names, all I mention was one student name. I’m sorry man but they are probably are still having as much fun being there now as they were the last time I saw them. You know why, she and her dad are hidden from the truth. And that truth is: that they suck. :bowdown:

Is there any evidence whatsoever that the instructors in question did not come by their rank legitimately?

Evidence. Not conjecture.

Probably. Usually as arts become more mainstream, they add belts to increase the revenue to the clubs.

[quote=CharlieWoopAss2;2282072]Listen I thought if I wrote it better this time, that it stay in MABS. But if it didn’t then I thought it will come to YMAS and hopefully we could have some laughs about it. I promise its the last time this is going to happen. If anything I’ll write a review like you said.

I’m just stating that if my thread got moved then I’d make sure to try not to whine. As for protecting people names, all I mention was one student name. I’m sorry man but they are probably are still having as much fun being there now as they were the last time I saw them. You know why, she and her dad are hidden from the truth. And that truth is: that they suck. :bowdown:[/quote]

Your a good guy. Maybe you should try a more sparring based MA like BJJ, MT, MMA, etc. Since you are already doing JKD, then these grappling systems will only make you better!

I’ll be looking forward to your next review.

[quote=DerAuslander108;2282099]Is there any evidence whatsoever that the instructors in question did not come by their rank legitimately?

Evidence. Not conjecture.[/quote]

The only evidence I have is that Mr. Ventura was made a instructor by the other teachers in the school. Which he had no martial art background at all. He was awarded a gray belt then a black. He then started to teach classes. So he did not earn his rank legitimately:bduh:. And the 3rd degree in krav maga was questionable in till superninjagod gave us that info from wikipedia.

[quote=superninjagod;2282114]Your a good guy. Maybe you should try a more sparring based MA like BJJ, MT, MMA, etc. Since you are already doing JKD, then these grappling systems will only make you better!

I’ll be looking forward to your next review.[/quote]

Yeah I’m a big fan of sparring, that’s why I started to study JKD:new_llyin. I’m starting to lean toward less traditional styles to more what of you said. But I won’t be leaving my Isshin-Ryu karate for a while because next year after 7 years I’m finally testing for my 1st degree.:jerk:

Wrong, dickweed, you don’t have anything in the way of evidence, you fucking have conjecture and allegations.

How old are you?

You are accusing Mr. Ventura of not being a legitimate black belt.


The 3rd degree black belt in Krav Maga was NEVER QUESTIONABLE, because you do not have any information on what association issued the rank or whether or not it is invalid.


In short, sit down, shut the fuck up, and don’t post again until you are capable of behaving like an adult.

Do you understand?

[quote=DerAuslander108;2282144]Wrong, dickweed, you don’t have anything in the way of evidence, you fucking have conjecture and allegations.

How old are you?

You are accusing Mr. Ventura of not being a legitimate black belt.


The 3rd degree black belt in Krav Maga was NEVER QUESTIONABLE, because you do not have any information on what association issued the rank or whether or not it is invalid.


In short, sit down, shut the fuck up, and don’t post again until you are capable of behaving like an adult.

Do you understand?[/quote]

Let me get this straight. You are telling me, that a man with martial art or fighting sport background. Didn’t get a white or any other beginner color belt in any style. Didn’t even start off as a white belt in the style that school taught,skip every color. Was awarded a belt that nobody ever heard of-gray. Then within 6 months tested for his black belt. And then started teaching classes.

It took me 7 years to get where I am in Isshin-Ryu karate and my black belt testing is next year. You can’t sit there thinking your a respectable martial artist and think what I just said isn’t QUESTIONABLE!?:bs:

Get real,big kid.:eusa_naug Oh Merry Christmas and a happy go to hell:owneddanc


Where is your proof?

Are you that fucking stupid?

[quote=DerAuslander108;2282166]Dipshit, PROVE WHAT YOU SAY!

Where is your proof?

Are you that fucking stupid?[/quote]

How crazy are you?, much how more poof do you need?. I’m not making this shit up, I wish I was. All the proof there is, is my word. Either you believe me or you don’t. Besides their school and website they don’t exist. Unless you meet them in person.

Do you understand? you stubborn ass?

Leave the cock bag alone Der he has now accused me of Racism twice.

CWA2 do not PM me again with your bullshit nor, try to find threads from 2007, before I was a MOD, to make a case for your fuck up.

You want to prove I am a racist? Go for it? Start your MABS thread. When you fail you will be banned.

It will take all of 2 minutes for me to prove you wrong.

Listen its called a joke. I’m guessing you never heard of it. There no reason in hell why you moved my forum from YMAS to Sherdog. I didn’t do anything wrong this time. The funnest thing about you, is that you can hide behind your “Big Bad Ass Forum Leader Status” You hide behind images and illusions and behind them you hide your true self.

What you can’t handle a one on one talk unless your buddies are there to back you up?

Once again Merry Christmas and a happy go to hell.

[quote=It is Fake;2282172]Leave the cock bag alone Der he has now accused me of Racism twice.

CWA2 do not PM me again with your bullshit nor, try to find threads from 2007, before I was a MOD, to make a case for your fuck up.

You want to prove I am a racist? Go for it? Start your MABS thread. When you fail you will be banned.

It will take all of 2 minutes for me to prove you wrong.[/quote]

You can’t be racist.

You’re black.:5yinyang:

[quote=CharlieWoopAss2;2282170]How crazy are you?, much how more poof do you need?. I’m not making this shit up, I wish I was. All the proof there is, is my word. Either you believe me or you don’t. Besides their school and website they don’t exist. Unless you meet them in person.

Do you understand? you stubborn ass?[/quote]

Have you ever watched Law & Order?:godtroll:

Listen its called a joke. I’m guessing you never heard of it. There no reason in hell why you moved my forum from YMAS to Sherdog.

Yes, there is a reason do you need the source? You want to call someone a fraud? Go ahead you will not do it in MABS without proof.

Where is your court documents for the charge backs?
Where is the proof the Krav rank or any ranks are fake?
Where is the case number for you win?
Where is the history showing his lineage is fraudulent?

You have been warned yet, you refuse to listen. When this happens threads are moved to YMAS, then trollshido if the person keeps crying.

I didn’t do anything wrong this time.

See above.

The funnest thing about you, is that you can hide behide your “Big Bad Ass Forum Leader Status”

The funniest thing about you is, you can’t do anything but whine and cry about it.

Listen I can do anything I want within the rules of the site.
Let me know when you choose to follow this example.

What you can’t handle a one on one talk unless your buddies are there to back you up?

You sent a PM to keep things one on one and off the thread yet, I’m the one “hiding.”


[quote=It is Fake;2282192]Yes, there is a reason do you need the source? You want to call someone a fraud? Go ahead you will not do it in MABS without proof.

Where is your court documents for the charge backs?
Where is the proof the Krav rank or any ranks are fake?
Where is the case number for you win?
Where is the history showing his lineage is fraudulent?

You have been warned yet, you refuse to listen. When this happens threads are moved to YMAS, then trollshido if the person keeps crying.

See above.

The funniest thing about you is, you can’t do anything but whine and cry about it.

Let me know when you choose to follow this example.

You sent a PM to keep things one on one and off the thread yet, I’m the one “hiding.”


If you are black, I am sorry, I didn’t mean the racist comment anything else other than a joke. Besides Yes but I told them that I would take them to small claims court if they didn’t stop charging me. as for everything else I’ve already told you all I can tell.

I’m not going to chase you on this site when I can just pm you and I only wanted YOU to answer the question. I have no probable talking to you on threads. “All I can do is whine and cry about it” All I’m doing is asking why one thread is getting treated better then the other even if its written as “dumb” as mine was?:hitit:

Yeah I watch it. Its my favorite show, I like Law & Order Ci. And I know where your going with this. In the show even though the detectives have gut feelings that the scumbag killed the victim. It doesn’t mean that their crimes can be proven in court without facts and evidence. But I still don’t know how you can sit there and tell me that, even though I gave you this info. You think that Mr. Ventura earn his black belt? If you do, you really are a stubborn ass:byewhore:

You haven’t proven anything about Mr. Ventura. You have only offered heresay and slander.

[quote=CharlieWoopAss2;2282200]If you are black, I am sorry, I didn’t mean the racist comment anything else other than a joke. Besides Yes but I told them that I would take them to small claims court if they didn’t stop charging me. as for everything else I’ve already told you all I can tell.

I’m not going to chase you on this site when I can just pm you and I only wanted YOU to answer the question. I have no probable talking to you on threads. “All I can do is whine and cry about it” All I’m doing is asking why one thread is getting treated better then the other even if its written as “dumb” as mine was?:hitit:[/quote]
When was that thread started?

When was your thread started?

Did you read the rules about the changes to MABS circa 2008?
No, you didn’t.