I live in Buffalo, NY. A couple years back after leaving my former school Western New York Karate Center, I took a little hiatus from martial arts. After a couple months I was ready to do it again. Then I started to look around for schools, and eventually I came across a school named The Training Edge. It was run by a Mr. and Mrs. Spoth they informed me that they taught XMA,Karate,kickboxing and Krav Maga. At the time I thought XMA was cool but now I realize its nothing else but for show.
Format: Their place was nice its was set up like so, there were two big rooms for the classes, one small room for private classes. A very big lobby with a walk in store full of equipment. So their song and dance impressed me so I signed up. Now they inform me that I’ll be signing up for a one year contact but I can leave at anytime without paying them for the full year. It sounded fine to me. But the problems I had with the contact, I’ll tell you later in the story.
Belt System: It work like so, First Color: White,Yellow,Orange, Green, Blue, Purple,Brown,Brown-Red, Red, Red-Black, then black. Second Testing:belt testing happen every 3 months and each month you’d get tested for one of three stripes that they give you to put on your belt. After getting all three stripes then your ready for your next belt testing. Next Uniforms: every month they hand out student of the month awards to put on your uniforms. Then there were stars patches and red, white, and blue stripes awarded to the good students. I don’t know how that worked because that was before my time there.
Teachers: First I’ll tell you who teaches what, then I’ll you what background I know of them. Now a Mr. Spoth and Mr. Berger teach all the classes together. But if something happen, then one would fill in for the other. There is a third teacher but I’ll get to him later. And on occasion the other black belts would teach classes. Now I’m gonna bio these teachers in mini-paragraphs.
Mr. Spoth: He claims to have a 3rd degree black belt in both karate and krav maga, and to have over 35 years of martial art training. Also says that he trained with grand masters over in China and in Israeli for five years.
Mr Berger: Now all I know about him is that he is a second dergee black belt in karate, and he’s not in very good shape, he can’t do very simple jump kicks.
Classes: First let’s start with classes there are Little Dragons class with kids 5 to 10 Belts: I don’t how the kids belt system works. Next regular karate class kids, age 10 to 14, belts green to purple. Next Advanced karate and XMA class teens age: 10 to 18, belts: brown to red black. Next: Beginner Black belt karate and XMA class teens 18 to 25. Finally Adult karate class age: 18 to 60 belts: all colors. Now I didn’t do Krav Maga or kickboxing classes so I don’t know how they work.
Crazy shit part: Now here comes the fun part. Now you are probably thinking “hey this place dosen’t sound so bad” Well prepare to have your martial art mind blown. These are some of the funny things that happen that makes this place a disgrace to real dojos. I’m gonna start slow just like Tina Turner then I’m gonna make your head spin. I’m going to do this in list form.
1. during kid’s class Mr. spoth would take a about 5 to 10 minute break to tell life lessons and storys to the kids so they can be a better person. Thats nice and all but it took a big chunk out of their class time just to talk.
2. They only held Tournaments in their school. This is my favorite memory of these “Tournaments”.
Now there was this family that used to be my neighbors in this apartment complex I used to live in.This family were the Ventras and their daugter Amanda,12 at the time went to this school. She always used to brag about her belt rank,and her dad to everybody she could, she would never stop. Now one sparring tournament that was held at the school. while I was waiting for the older devison to start, her’s were just being spit up into older and yonger teams. Now she was a red-black belt and only teens had those belts. Now instead of being with group of teens that have that belt she loves to brag about. Mr. Spoth sended her over to the age 5-10 kids side! She went on to beat the kids half her size and win first place! And also went on to brag about it!
3.This place was a belt factory, kids and even adults were “earning” their belts left and right. During these tests, everybody had sloppy stances, form, strikes,etc I could go on forever
4. The fourth and final one. This is the worst one yet. Now back to the Ventras, Amanda’s father Jim was good friend’s with the Spoths. And while I was there,Mr. Jim Ventra with no martial art or any kind of a fighting sport background was awarded a gray belt by the teachers at the school. Then by the time I left this school he tested for his black belt and he was awarded it!
Conclusion: after I finally realize its time to go, I left but not without them trying to charge me for the full year even though they said I could leave anytime with no strings attached. I told them that if they didn’t stop charging me more than I owe, I’ll take them to small claims court.Then they stopped and never were heard from again.
Now I hope that I’d obeyed the rules of this forum, also I have written this 2 other times but they got moved to other forums, I did not write them out carefully but what can you expect I’m a noob. Now if you do move this to another forum, I will respect it, and I promise you that I won’t whine about doing my best to make the thread fit the standards as much as possible because losers always whine about their best.:eusa_snoo
Thanks for listening. Any questions you have, I’ll be glad to answer.:jerk: