McDojo invades my School!

You so googled that!

It’s southpark and I didn’t have to google it.


your right, the kid will totally serve me.

or is that I will get served by the kid?

I SO didn’t! You keep that shit up and I’ll SERVE YOU and THEN IT WILL BE ON!

If he gets served and it’s on; just recruit a goth, an asian DDR player, an underage girl from Hooters, a duck, and have a disgraced tap dancer as an alternate.

KPD gets it. :slight_smile:

okay back to the thread


speaking of slapfighting,

the sparing sessions this kid has are boots, and mits. ( common for American Karate ) and there is one head shot aloud, a slap-like hook (palms facing down) to the side of the headgear.

The title of the episode is “You Got Fucked in the Ass.” And it is episode 5 of season 8. And I didn’t look it up. In fact, I just watched it. It is sitting on my hard drive with every single other episode of South Park. Just sayin . . .

anyone else got an opinion on how to deal with this nonstop McDojo/dancing machine?

go learn hip hop kido from the grand master zack aka black ranger, I heard its a awesome style!

I totally saw him in a random TV commercial the other day. If only I could remember which one.

The instructionals on You Got Served are hilarious. And my sister’s old roommate used to own Darren’s Dance Grooves. I suggest either one of these fine videos to teach you to dance. You will steal all his students.

Now back to the more important aspect of this thread: What is your favorite episode of South Park? If you could only pick one, which one would it be? I think I could type a 20 page essay on this topic.

At my best I couldn’t have done Ballet - now I’d look even worse then when I spar…

So he’s teaching hip hop ballet - maybe some of the guys will realize chicks like guys who can dance and get laid instead of rolling around on sweaty mats with other guys? Did yah think of that?

I don’t think this guy has any interest in women

is he gay?

heres what u do dress up like a ninja so your i dentity isnt revealed :ninjadanc break in night of the practice , drop in while he teaching karate ( ninja roll =D)
spring up and clean house.

He certainly dances like it.

you would think that the guy would incorporate masculine moves, but the guy is practically booty dancing.

remember, i said he does head snaps.

you know, when you keep your body forward and you snap your had to the side right before a twirl or something.

Next time he starts dancing, tell his parents to join in, then when everyone is dancing, kill them all. Every last stinking one of them.

This is the only way you can cleanse yourself of this despicable evil.

Could you repeat that in English, please?

Even after mentally editing out the typos I’m left with

How do you slap with your palm down? Or is it just a very sloppy/light contact punch?
Also: I’m assuming you mean they wear boots and mitts while sparring? What kind of boots are we talking about here? I know I wouldn’t want to spar with my good ol’ army boots…