McDojo invades my School!

Maybe it’s the Safety Dance.

and that includes being anally violated by several steamrollers.

Like this?

Yeah, but more forced insertion.

Stop trying to impress your elders by threatening to beat up some poor TKD instructor who teaches a little modern dance on the side. It’s fucking pathetic.

If your instructor hasn’t beaten him up himself, then he doesn’t want you to.

I don’t think its just that. If this TKD instructor is really Bullshido, he may be spreading potentially harmful teachings to his students.

I see you’ve posted a crapload in the last 10 min.

CuLLiOn is oN a pOsTinG spRee

You’re pretty young to be teaching yourself.

  1. The motherfucker teaches dance in our dojo before his karate class. (Im talkin ballet lookin stuff here people!)

Ooh, dance OMG!OMG! t3hGh3yness!

grow up.

yea but im 20 first dan

and i the under the top instructor’s supervision.

and i don’t teach bullshit.

I don’t think i’ve ever met a fraud say that they teach bullshit.

yeah, cause even Rex thinks Rex Kwon Do is where it’s at.

uh… do you have it in for me?

or do you teach dance or something.

i have NOTHING against dance, exept the fact that i can’t dance.

I just dont want a fake Karate dance instructor teaching at my school.

and to clarify,

he teaches “American Karate” not TKD

Well if he’s playing Usher, go fuck him up.

Go find a Muay Thai gym, you know you wanna.

Actually he’s teaching “African-American Dance Grooves” which can only be countered by 'Breakdance Atttack" or possibly “The Robot”. Best take your lumps and find a school that is not so groovy.

I personally think Break dancing is badass.

but ballet hip hop? Taught by a 16 year old white kid?

come the fuck on!!

You could always eat him.


I was thinking of more along the lines of pop locking:owneddanc


yeah…that’s fucked up. I mean
…we all know that white kids can’t dance…:occasion1 …er…right? What right does a WHITE kids have to be teaching dance. The nerve.

I call bullshido on The MMA Kid. I want to see you post video of you and the 16-yr old square off on a dance challenge before I accept your right to criticise his dancing. Full Contact, Anything Goes.

Remember kids, if you get served, and you serve them back, then it’s on!

+rep to the first person to identify which show and episode, that came from.

Shit, I’ll try to rep whore.

I’ll say South Park and I’m guessing season eight.