Math, Physics, equations and other non-important fighting revelations 1

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Math, Physics, equations and other non-important fighting revelations 1

[QUOTE=Colin;2566190]Mate… I’ve been hit by a car before. No bones broken.

You brought up a good example Colin.

Why can a car moving at only 20mph kill someone with blunt force trauma?

Answer: it is an effective machine for moving a very large mass (ie by generating massive amounts of kinetic energy).

In other words, the average vehicle drive train is much better at generating “internal power” than the average gong fu practitioner.

The kind of power you are training in gong fu (my opinion) is essentially the same. If you strike with your hand, you’ll hit with the weight of a hand. If you learn to connect the dots, you’ll hit with most of the weight in your body with the minimal amount movement.

That principle is similar to the max force/min movement/distance idea that makes Judo so effective.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567240]After two years of gong fu training I don’t know shit, but as is my MO in any subject i will vomit all over your screen for my odd sense of validation.[/quote]

Much better.

Mass * Acceleration = Force. (Note that velocity (speed) is not a factor.)

Stfu wabbit, kinetic energy is more relevant and contains factor of velocity.


LOL @ ur irony…

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567250]Why can a car moving at only 20mph kill someone with blunt force trauma?

Answer: it is an effective machine for moving a very large mass.

In other words, the average vehicle drive train is pretty good at generating “internal power”.[/QUOTE]

Again, stfu.
You are an idiot.
Little tiny bullets do a lot of damage too.
You should see what a little 22-250 can do simply because of it’s velocity.
Or a baseball to the face, think that’s all about it’s mass?

Stfu wabbit, kinetic energy is more relevant and contains factor of velocity.

You need to learn to read better, and you might see that I covered kinetic energy in my post. Along with all the other important elements of power (as in watt) generation.

It is all inter-related…but feel free to troll anyway. Forgive me for trying to keep things “real” and scientific, since the OP asked about “internal power generation” and in science, power is power. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about or you’d respond with physics instead of insults.

You are both nutrition and physical education expert yourself, now you’re a science and martial arts guru too?

I keep noticing that you are one of the last Bullshido trolls that has a hard on for me…so boring. You’re not my type, dude.

At least I attempted a decent thread contribution. You trolled the OP, and now me which is your own MO.

And personally I don’t think you’re a very good source on anything Hung ga related. None of the Hung ga people I know cry as much as you do.

There are plenty of others on Bullshido who are infinitely more useful.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567259]You need to learn to read better, and you might see that I covered kinetic energy.

It is all inter-related…but feel free to troll away.[/QUOTE]

Stfu wabbit…
IIF made my point more succinctly:

Oh and please do not bring up the over used and misapplied physics equations into this thread.

Fact remains you are an idiot noob who rants on and on about shit you know nothing about.
When called on your bullshit you leave the thread, or accuse trolling, or just outright blather on and on despite the knowledgeable posters giving you a hiding.
You are a fucking “white belt” end of story.
Don’t you have some tea to pour somewhere?

IIF made my point more succinctly:

Nice try. No, he didn’t. Nutriding won’t help you with me.

Fact remains you are an idiot noob who rants on and on about shit you know nothing about.

Right, the average reader will read the common sense, scientific equations I posted (straight out of two books, one on dynamics and another on Judo) about above and totally come away with the impression that I’m full of shit.

But to prove I’m full of shit, you’d have to post your own science.

Hmm no you took the standard Bullshido copout “YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT” and failed to produce an effective counterargument, source, or equation.

Go ahead… make some up.
When called on your bullshit you leave the thread, or accuse trolling, or just outright blather on and on despite the knowledgeable posters giving you a hiding.

I’m still in the thread. You are still trolling.

I know Hawaii can be really boring, but you need to find a new outlet for your angst. Might I suggest nu-metal?

And you’re not a knowledgeable poster. If I want real info about our art I’ll go to any one of a number of posters other than you.

You’re an annoying troll from Hawaii who practices Hung ga, and cries a lot about me.

You are a fucking “white belt” end of story.

Nope. But you definitely a big crybaby, probably fat too.

this is why we can’t have nice things.

I felt inner power one time but my wife kept explaining to me that it was just a prostrate exam.

[QUOTE=Snake Plissken;2567279]this is why we can’t have nice things.[/QUOTE]

The irony of posting actual science on Bullshido (as intended) is that someone will always troll you anyway.

In my case, it’s usually ChengPengFi who has done this now for…over a year. It’s either over how big a Hung Ga noob I am, the lethality of Vitamin A, or whether Adrian Paul’s primary style was Hung Ga or Choy Lay Fut.

This places him in a very small subset of the Bullshido community that can’t help themselves…they NEED to attack a Rabbit post, no matter how well sourced or laid out. He thinks he is the lead of some mob out to embarrass me. Mob Size: 1

I’m at the place now where if I post something stupid, I’ll laugh it off and admit my mistakes when someone points out I’m wrong. Trust me when I say this took a lot of learning on my part.

The problem with Cheng is that he only ever pops up to tell me that every one of my posts is stupid. He is background noise to me now. And that same learning I just referred to…he is desperately in need of some of that too. I don’t care what his “belt level”. Nice to see we’ve resorted to comparing belt colors…true class.

Boo hoo hoo, I’m leaving Bullshido forever!


[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567282]The irony of posting actual science on Bullshido (as intended) is that someone will always troll you anyway.

In my case, it’s usually ChengPengFi who has done this now for…over a year. It’s either over how big a Hung Ga noob I am, the lethality of carrot juice, or whether Adrian Paul’s primary style was Hung Ga or Choy Lay Fut.

This places him in a very small subset of the Bullshido community that can’t help themselves…they NEED to attack a Rabbit post, no matter how well sourced or laid out.

I’m at the place now where if I post something stupid, I’ll laugh it off when someone points out I’m wrong.

The problem with Cheng is that he only pops up to tell me that every one of my posts is stupid.

Boo hoo hoo, I’m leaving Bullshido forever!

They are? Well shit.

this is the CMA forum, folks.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567274]Nice try. No, he didn’t. Nutriding won’t help you with me.[/quote]
Not nutriding.
Just pointing out how ridiculous using an elementary physics equation is in this context.

Right, the average reader will read the common sense, scientific equations I posted (straight out of two books, one on dynamics and another on Judo) about above and totally come away with the impression that I’m full of shit.

We were discussing CMA striking, Judo is relevant how?

But to prove I’m full of shit, you’d have to post your own science.

It is common knowledge 'round these parts, no proof needed.
You did so quite well for yourself about carotenes, nukes and just about every other topic you post on however.

Hmm no you took the standard Bullshido copout “YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT” and failed to produce an effective counterargument, source, or equation.

No i used the standard Bulllshido admonitions of “stfu noob” and “lurk moar, post less” based on your post history and self admitted lack of experience.

I’m still in the thread. You are trolling.

I called it, accusation of trolling noted.
That you are in the thread at all is the problem, you know jack shit.

I know Hawaii can be really boring, but you need to find a new outlet for your angst. Might I suggest nu-metal?

Boring? Lmao… Angst? That’s even funnier and more ironic than usual, coming from you.
I’d post my adventures in LLL but it’d come off as bragging.
Check out the pool party pics i posted there a few months back. :slight_smile:

And you’re not a knowledgeable poster. If I want real info about our art I’ll go to any one of a number of posters other than you.

My knowledge is not in question and it’s not on the table for you.
Your lack of same, in particular in reference to the OP is my point of contention.
This isn’t a soundboard for your ignorance iirc.

You’re an annoying troll from Hawaii who practices Hung ga, and cries a lot about me.

I lament that you “practice” a branch of the same style i have many years in, yet as your “uncle” i will slap you around metaphorically (or irl if you prefer) for stupid behavior and enjoy doing so.
This hardly equates to trolling or crying, your go to labels of late.

Nope. But you definitely a big crybaby, probably fat too.

Have you met any of the other posters irl?
Ever made any posts in the Throwdown forum with at least the intent to meet other members?
I have and no i am neither fat nor a crybaby.
You otoh have hammock boobs and whine incessantly, you are doing it now.

[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2567288]Not nutriding.
Just pointing out how ridiculous using an elementary physics equation is in this context.

Elementary physics is ridiculous when power generation is the context in order to differentiate actual power generation vs the flimsy, unscientific term “internal power” used throughout CMA??

Uh…No. What is ridiculous is you referring to yourself as my “uncle”, when in fact I don’t know who the fuck you even are and could care less.

All I did here was support what Omega, Colin, and Cullion said with science.

Am I still on Bullshido, uncle?

And yes, I have reached out to and befriended several Bullies in NY/NJ. Ming and I almost met up at a New Year lion dance but I had to leave early. I’d like to attend a throwdown in the future but it is not high on my priority list (working, fathering, husbandry, and martial arts training are).

Your litmus tests bore me.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2567282]The irony of posting actual science on Bullshido (as intended) is that someone will always troll you anyway.[/quote]People post science on bullshido constantly. The problem is most people do things like this:
One of the best threads debunking silly Kung Fu Science.

Don’t be this person any longer.

I’m at the place now where if I post something stupid, I’ll laugh it off when someone points out I’m wrong.
Your current whining makes this basically a lie.

Calm the fuck down.

Another very good thread.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2567293]
Your current whining makes this basically a lie.

Except that Cheng didn’t post anything about the science that was wrong.

In his world, science is wrong whenever I post it, so he just trolls me instead of support/debunking the science.


[QUOTE=It is Fake;2567293]
Calm the fuck down.[/QUOTE]

I know I must seem angry, but I am icy calm.

I can take a hint from mods now at least.

Cheng can have this thread, let’s see if he posts anything useful.

Lol, your whining belies the truth.
You just spent all that time whining and avoiding my actual criticisms, which still stand.

Wabbit you did not even answer the op’s question, instead you posted this:

…I will do my best to get scientific and confuse you…

…which makes you a troll.

Your assertions of trolling and crying by others is nothing short of projection.

You just spent all that time whining and avoiding my actual criticisms, which still stand.

LOL@ avoiding you, as if you’re some scary boogeyman.

No, your criticisms were “fixing” my post with ad hominem and saying that I should have mentioned kinetic energy…which I already had done.

That just makes you a poor reader who glosses over my posts looking for something to troll about. There are plenty of your type on this website…I do my best to stay out of that crowd nowadays.

Wabbit you did not even answer the op’s question, instead you posted this:

You quoted a single sentence/joke out of that entire post? Talk about irrelevant and non-contextual. Ahah I said science might confuse people jokingly and then laid out a well supported argument about generating power that neatly lines up with what everyone else had posted.

Notice you quoted none of the science, except something about how “kinetic energy is more relevant” when in fact force, work, and kinetic energy are completely interconnected physical phenomena, especially in the context of martial arts. Otherwise you’re claiming your MA is beyond science…are you the new Saint Eli or DTT?

I could have posted more equations showing just how interconnected they are (remember, my sources are standard physics texts so it’s not like I’m making things up) but I felt that would have been overkill.

Should I have used calculus instead of algebra to explain power/work/kinetic energy transmission? Would you have trolled less?

What’s the largest factor in the calculus for kinetic energy Cheng? It’s clear to me looking at this formula…is it not clear to you, Uncle? The answer is mass.

The science can be confusing…to some more than others. To you, especially so.

Yes, trolls love quoting things out of context.

Let’s see what the OP actually asked:

Just curious about who has experienced internal striking or pushing force?

Leaving out qi phenomenon or fuzzy notions or theories or other people’s stories…
Which I answered in my first sentence of my first post.

It would have been my last post, but you came along to troll and I played.

DTT was considered a troll by many posters even after he stepped up with Sirc and met Jack Rusher. Why? He hated for anyone to disagree and couldn’t admit he was wrong. Then he would pull in all kind of red herrings and straw-man arguments to obfuscate the original point of dissension.

Yep, you are the new DTT and that is not a good thing.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2567314]DTT was considered a troll by many posters even after he stepped up with Sirc and met Jack Rusher. Why? He hated for anyone to disagree and couldn’t admit he was wrong. [/QUOTE]

The difference between DTT and myself is that I’ll admit I was wrong about maximizing internal striking power the moment Cheng (or you or anyone) points out [B]why the total mass behind a strike is not the most important factor when generating “power”, when dynamics calculus (and Omega, and Cullion, and Colin) says it is.

Not just Rabbit. Sir Isaac Newton too.[/B]

That has not happened. I’ve been waiting and while he baits me with trolling, I hang on to the science I posted because it’s correct according to any source you could possibly post (unless that source was some mystical CMA bullshit).

Otherwise all the dynamics they are teaching nowadays in those fancy colleges are wrong, and someone from Bullshido should go tell them!

My science > his claimed, anecdotal experiences and Hung Ga seniority. Sorry Cheng!

All too often on, “being proven wrong” amounts to succumbing to trolling.

If you defend your assertion, you are “whining”.

If you successfully defend your assertion but you’re inexperienced, you “don’t know what you’re talking about”.

If I’m supposed to “admit I’m wrong” when I get trolled by a nutrition/fitness guy from Hawaii who might be smart but knows nothing about dynamics or at least pretends to, I guess I am wrong.

There, I can admit I succumbed. I succumbed so hard.

So hard, Cheng made me post calculus.

Fuck you Cheng, I’m leaving!
