My next goal…
I am getting myself a martial arts bitch.
So not I am on and
There are allot of people on there, so don’t say “what the matter, can’t you meet a bitch the ordinary style.” Hell, no.
Have you ever tried to talk to a girl in a tornament? I have, that does not work.
Hmmmm, if you speak to “bitches” at tournaments and they don’t want you, maybe there is something wrong with you. Could be your clothes. Could be your breath. Could be your lack of personality. Or maybe, just maybe, they suspect that you’re the kind of tard who would refer to them as “bitches”.
I give you a 1/10 for not even trying to make this troll thread credible.
Do we want to hear another teen dating angst story, no.
Hint, when you refer to women as bitches it reveals a certain hostility to the opposite sex which probably comes across in your body language and conversation.
True, i’ve just been raised to actually show some modicum of respect to women. (Spent a lot of time at my Grandparents house growing up. so i’ve got a bizarre mix of values from two generations ago and this one)
Same here, (not spending time at grandparents, but getting lots of value lessons from parents) But I’ve learned that giving too much respect can get you walked over quickly. Sometimes Wayne Brady just has to choke a bitch.
If you have trouble with women, you must all take an offering and bow down to Greese1. Perhaps he will pity you and let you hump the leg of one of his castoffs.