Martial Arts and the NWO: Bullshido Conspiracy?

What will be the role of MA in global society when the lizard men finally declare a United Nation? Is there room for combat arts in such a utopia or is there an equivalent of “Order 66” for martial artists? If so, is Bullshido merely a front for gathering the information required for such a purge? I wonder…

When Nibiru nears our planet, gravity will nullify in the pacific ocean. The resulting weightless refraction of magnetic lay lines will allow us to ascend to a superman-like state, in which our Kiai’s deliver twice the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bombing.

The inter-dimensional shape-shifting lizard government won’t know what hit them.

Weaving spiders come not here.

Put the glue container down and step away form it. Take a couple of deep breaths…now leave the room.

^^^^^^ All Govt. agents and Nazi sympathiers.

I don’t mean for everything I write to end up here. It just sort of happens. Must be on automatic.

Bohemian Grove, mayne! It’s the NWO owl orgy dance party!