martial arts against a tiger

What would be the best MA style against a tiger?

inb4 shit

Already been asked and answered, judo I think it was, by a member here who did it. Search function, n00b.

[QUOTE=ageistfellow;2552549]What would be the best MA style against a tiger?
There’s the human-gets-disemboweled form, I hear that’s popular against a tiger.

MTripp wrestled a tiger. Apparently the key is to feed the tiger some chickens ahead of time, so its friendly towards you and doesn’t use its finely tuned murdering skills on you.

[QUOTE=ageistfellow;2552549]What would be the best MA style against a tiger?

inb4 shit[/QUOTE]

Is that you MacLOL?

Way of the White Shark.

No can defend if you can coax tiger into sea.

Otherwise, flush toilet. Again - no can defend.


teep to the fuzzy nuts should work. Slather yourself with bbq sauce first, I hear it drives them away.

use monkey steals a peach teqnique. NO CAN DEFEND!


Does this help your question?

Aren’t tigers one of the only felines comfortable in water? I am sure I’ve seen hundreds of underwater tiger photos.

when you see the enraged tiger…swiftly dig a large hole, and fell a tree. Hack the branches off and whittle the ends, forming spikes, which you’ll then embed point-up, in the base of the pit. Then, slay a deer, and place the hunks of meat in the pit. Climb out, and cover the gap with brush, and leaves, finally standing on the far side of the trap, and placing a small meaty bit on the brush.

By now, the tiger will be getting close. Take out your mini-m&m’s container, which you’ll have on your utility belt (?). Create a distracting cloud of talcum, and as the tiger watches the cloud disperse in awe and wonder…warn him of the pit, and you’ll become fast friends. Take the tiger on a trip to India, where you free the other tigers, from the captivity of their natural habitat, and lead an uprising. You’ll be the Sparticus of Panthera Tigris

Don’t listen to what these guys are saying, everyone knows Yellow Bamboo is the only way of fending off a hungry tiger


well, yeah. Everyone knows that. I assumed he didn’t have time to become proficient in-time. You don’t think he was posting from the live encounter?

Actually the part where they scream like lunatics from a distance is probably a better option than most martial arts.

I know he’s trolling but I know a thing or two about tigers…

The correct answer is no martial art.

The correct correct answer is high caliber safari ammunition.

In fact, being mounted on an elephant is insufficient to prevent massive bleeding (on your part).

If you ever even see the tiger before it attacked, it’ll probably be too late to avoid your death unless you are armed.

And no, tiger > judo.

This is the short, slow version. So that you don’t have to ask YES he lost his arm in this attack.


Here is the complete, full speed version. Attack is at 2:05.


Rabbits have only survived attacks by Tigers are running for their lives, where Tigers are only running for their dinner.

Take on Martial arts story I was told in class.

Most tigers are faster than most rabbits (jackrabbits can run 10mph on avg faster than the fastest tigers), but rabbits are still more agile than tigers, and can outmaneuver them in the wild.

This is why survival training for captured/to-be-released tigers is to have them chase rabbits.

Still, rabbits are some of the most vicious, underestimated fighters in the animal kingdom.

Watch this little white bunny evade, stare down and then attack an adolescent tiger.
(0:35s in) The tiger wants no part of his death by pointy teeth.


Unlike the poor, lazy, Zoo tigers in captivity who are just given the rabbit.


And…not sure what the fuck this is, but The Animals rock.


Tiger claw kung fu?

[QUOTE=donoraen;2552817]Tiger claw kung fu?[/QUOTE]

I practice fu jow too.

No, it will not work against a real tiger.

It develops great grip strength though. Combines well with judo.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2552801]Most tigers are faster than most rabbits (jackrabbits can run 10mph on avg faster than the fastest tigers), but rabbits are still more agile than tigers, and can outmaneuver them in the wild.

This is why survival training for captured/to-be-released tigers is to have them chase rabbits.

Still, rabbits are some of the most vicious, underestimated fighters in the animal kingdom.

Watch this little white bunny evade, stare down and then attack an adolescent tiger.
(0:35s in) The tiger wants no part of his death by pointy teeth.


Unlike the poor, lazy, Zoo tigers in captivity who are just given the rabbit.


And…not sure what the fuck this is, but The Animals rock.


Rabbits always beat up tigers in the wild. It’s like a law of nature man.

Little known fact about Animal Style Kung Fu. Dragon style was originally modeled after rabbits fighting tigers. But it was far too deadly, so they renamed it after a much tamer animal, the dragon.

[QUOTE=TaeBo_Master;2552878]Rabbits always beat up tigers in the wild. It’s like a law of nature man.

Rabbits have a ferocious, instinctive combat style. They are even known to try to claw out the eyes of larger animals in order to blind them and escape.

Now I have to show you!


Rabbits are so agile they can consistently evade snake strikes.

Even seen a bunny chase a snake into a tree?

You’re about to.
