guided chaos -a great art
Go to newbietown please and when you’re there, start a thread explaining what the fuck you’re on about.
wernt you a newiebie once boy!!
Yes I was. My first post wasn’t serious, I was trolling some gun nuts. My second post was in newbietown. Cease your incessant derailment of this serious, serious thread, and go to the town of n00b.
you sound like a forum bully boy to me or maybe a cock in frock !!!
your attitude says allot about you as a person! speak to people how you would like to be spoken to yourself !martial arts teach good manners and civility as well as skills -acting tough is not a skill ,its a lack one !
that’s very civil of you.
I’m acting tough? Gee, i thought i was acting like you were trying to derail a perfectly good thread with some bullshit about the hordes of chaos. Why should you be respected? You come onto a thread, mention some art most people haven’t heard of that appears to be the same bog standard crazy ass reality based self defence you see in the back of magazines without elaborating on what the fuck it is or why it’s the best. Go STFU n00b
Edit: Christ, it’s that silly KCD stuff. Dumb as Chun i say, Dumb as Chun!
Guided chaos is so chun it’s unreal. It’s like chun meets RSBD
guided chaos works,its great training -its like anything else unless you try you’l never know!!
I never said it was the best -thats your words!
there is no such thing as the best art !it is what works for you !find what you enjoy and get the art to fit you !not you fit the art !being a newbie !!! means new to this site,it does’nt mean you started training yesterday ;0)
use what you have too!! otherwise your stuck-necessity is the mother of invention
guided chaos-what a great art!!!
There is a saying ,that if kung fu looks good!! …it aint???
so perhaps guided chaos has taken this to heart !!and developed a very potent art.
natural human movement versus trained techniques !! hmm let me think!!!
Katie-hi ,parkour has recently been adopted by the the British royal marine commando’s.
therefore it is now a martial art ,as they see the benefit in urban warfare .
what styles do i consider legit?
on t3h d34dl3y dim mak, of course!
A friend of a friend knew this guy who was so d34dly at Dim Mak that he had to put himself into a tin-foil lined room to prevent his chi killing people. true story.
kultist !may i ask how old you are?
I’m 37. If I am older than Kultist do I get a prize?
hi malinois ,I just wanted to know where he gets all his knowledge from!
and has his arm bars worked against the marine commando.s stationed nearby