Mrs. Mantis returned home perplexed today, and hopes that the wise men of the Liquor, Loot & Ladies forum could answer this sticky point of Manlaw for her:
Why do guys hoot/catcall at women?
As the Missus describes it, she was walking into the local grocery store when she heard someone hooting. She looked over to see a carload of young guys drive by. All were looking at her - one was leaning out the passenger window - and they were catcalling at her. It rattled her.
She thought they were mocking her. I wouldn’t, but would other men mock a woman by catcalling at her?
Luckily the builders I walk past every morning seem to have got bored of shouting things at me, I’m sure it had nothing to do with me glaring at them. Noe of them were fit either.Damn shame.
I don’t do it and if someoen does it to Phil while I am there I assume they are implying I am a pussy and take apropriate action, whether it is staring them out or in one case starting to remove the bracing from the scaffolding the dickheads were working on. (this was in responce to them telling me if you don’t like it you can come up here).
Do men honestly think if they shout at a woman she will think “Ooh yes actually I DO fancy you now that you shouted at me in an uncouth and lairy manner, yes, you are just my type and I shall go out with you” !!
Just on a side note, was with a bunch of drunk girls (I was the most sober) and one of them just disgusted me with the way she drunkenly hooted at guys on the dance floor. The guys weren’t impressed.
I think a hoot is pretty tame considering the alternatives. My friend used to tell stories from her time in France of strangers walking up on the street and just pinching her arse if they thought she was fine.