
Being sick of being broke, having late charges and living in a dirty house is really what growing up is all about. Welcome to the club.

I’m on the other end of the spectrum. 43, wife , kids, house, job. I’m lucky enough to have a gym at work and get to the dojo twice a week. I also have a heavybag, speedbag and double end in my gargage so I manage to juggle everything. My hats is off to Alex, if you’re financially independent at 22 you’re ahead of the power curve. I also suspect that you’re more mature than you let on in some of your posts. Definately not a manchild, that’s the guy who’s 35 playing Warcraft on the computer in his momma’s basement.

Yohan, your own house at 24? That’s pretty damn good.

i dont have any plans on owning a house at the moment. id rather rent, put aside the money i would pay for a mortgage (because i can actually save unlike most retards in new zealand, the land of debt) and be a millionaire when im 50 instead of being a broke ass bitch… with a house.

an yeah i should have said i was middle class, my mates dad is a doctor and he lived in one of those gated communities. he would be the upper.

In my neighborhood, the average rental price is around 750-1000$.

I paid 750 a month when I first got my house. That’s gone down considerably because I always pay fat on the interest.

come to NZ and check out house pricing and mortgage rates compared to renting >_>

just don’t be like me and buy a place in the middle of atlanta at 23… mortgages blow

my dad (also my hero) is 54, has never worn a tie in his life, plays xbox. last weekend me him and his best friend drove across country while getting trashed and talking shit about each other. he also owns a house and several pieces of land, works a very high paying job, has a wife and family, and goes to the gym/eats healthily he wins the manchild game thats for sure

Am I the only person that finds making money and buying products with it an enjoyable process?

Surely you missed new2bjj’s appearance in this thread annointing it:

But seriously, why wouldn’t you want to buy a comfortable home and make a shitload of cash?

Playing PS3 and xbox is still fucking awesome, and always will be, but I see no crime in trying to make a buck and establishing yourself as a well-to-do person.

My remarks were more general than anything. I hope you noticed that I told the lad to travel the world, first, and have some adventure. IF you are just going to go to the pub and look at the same tools that you went to college with and get into debt- which is what I did, I would recommend either see the world or get your shit together in the part of the world you plan to stay in. Really, Alex, save your dough, travel, then come back and buy the house when you can afford it. PS, you’re right, homeownership is not for everyone.

I agree.

I have a comfortable home, make a nice living and have a wife who bought me an XboX360 (to replace the XboX) and a Wii (to replace the GameCube).

All under the guise that I will be playing them with our child!

That’s the beauty: kids are the excuse to keep doing all the immature shit you were doing before, however now it has a tangible reason.

Hehe, I’ll try to avoid that problem all together and try to marry one of those internet-savvy video game loving chicks.

Alex, that makes as much sense as a football bat. Whether you are renting or own a house you are still paying a mortgage. When you rent you are paying your landlord’s.

Renting would cost maybe 300 a week. Compared to say a 300k loan/mortgage, which works out to be around 500 a week in interest payments alone. In Australia anyways, not sure what the Interest rates are over there in NZ.

Are you comparing apples to apples? Are you saying that the rent and a mortgage on a two bedroom condo/apartment of equal square footage in the same neighborhood is going to be that far apart? Or are you comparing rent on a crappy apartment to a mortgage on a nice house?

I’m comparing about the same type of house rent and mortgage, you might even need to get a bigger loan, since crappy houses are maybe 400k + now. Assuming property in NZ is similar to here.

tha apartment i live in atm, probably worth upwards of 500k. i pay 160 a week. do the math, and this place is what i would consider expensive for me- most people i know with a mortgage are spending 2k a month on it, and thats not including rates etc.

But seriously, why wouldn’t you want to buy a comfortable home and make a shitload of cash?

because i would rather rent a place i like with a couple of flatmates and make even MORE cash.

Something doesn’t add up. Unless all the landlords own their buildings flat out they could never pay their own mortgages, let alone make a profit, charging those rents. In any event Alex is thinking about saving his cash and not getting into debt. Good on ya.

Tax write-offs. You get to write off interest, kids, health care, even vacations (when theyre work related). New2BJJ could explain this better, but he’s just get jumped on for being a money-hungry racist.

Important thing is that you love your job. You have to work, I assume, and spend most of your time working. Make time for your wife, unless you don’t mind the UPS guy doing it for you. Make time for your kids, unless you want your daughter to be a stripper.

Ater that, make time for yourself. Me, I enjoy throwing water balloons at hookers. I know it sounds cruel, but when they chase your car it’s hilarious. Why do they always chase the car?