My loyalty lies with Gracie University. It is only thru them that I am able to learn Gracie Jui- Jitsu. I am not a fighter, never have been, but , if any one chooses to disrespect my school, teachers or art then I hereby challenge them to put up or shut up!
Helio Gracie " Any one who starts a street fight is a CROOK"
Ummm, are you calling out anyone in particular? Or are you calling BS on a specific person organization? Or do you just like posting rants (albeit short ones) in random forums?
What are you talking about?
Who are you talking to?
Why didn’t you directly reply to somebody who was ‘disrespecting’ Gracie University?
[quote=Dutch Don;2409151]My loyalty lies with Gracie University. It is only thru them that I am able to learn Gracie Jui- Jitsu. I am not a fighter, never have been, but , if any one chooses to disrespect my school, teachers or art then I hereby challenge them to put up or shut up![/quote]Don’t start stupid threads in the Serious Discussion forum.
I am not “calling out” any one in particular, however, if any one has a problem with Gracie University and by extension, Rener and his brother, then they should take it up with them personally. I for one will take a stand and say that if anyone talks crap about my school or my teachera then they need to put up or shut up. It’s about honor and loyalty!
[QUOTE=Dutch Don;2409152]" Any one who starts a webz fight is a DORK"[/QUOTE]
[quote=Dutch Don;2409173]I am not “calling out” any one in particular, however, if any one has a problem with Gracie University and by extension, Rener and his brother, then they should take it up with them personally. I for one will take a stand and say that if anyone talks crap about my school or my teachera then they need to put up or shut up. It’s about honor and loyalty![/quote]Be quiet you douchebag
[QUOTE=Dutch Don;2409152]Helio Gracie " Any one who starts a street fight is a CROOK"[/QUOTE]
Given the history of the Gracie family, I find this quote hilarious.
I’ll give you a hint to help you out, in their younger years, by his own definition, several of Helio’s own children are crooks.
Who is “talking crap”? Where?
Out of curiosity, how long have you been training? Hopefully Hugo will let you stick around for a couple posts.
This Thread Needed To Go Old School
I just checked out Gracie University online. Their “Fight Simulations” look a whole lot like partner katas.
Now them’s fighting words.
The Gracies do katas and their grandmother dresses them funny. Come and get me.
Oh fuck yeah, ragepost thread!
Don: Gracie University is filled with kitten rapists who invented grappling to have an excuse for being super flamboyant homosexuals.
Now threaten me.
[QUOTE=Dutch Don;2409173]I am not “calling out” any one in particular, however, if any one has a problem with Gracie University and by extension, Rener and his brother, then they should take it up with them personally. I for one will take a stand and say that if anyone talks crap about my school or my teachera then they need to put up or shut up. It’s about honor and loyalty![/QUOTE]
ha ha ha ha ha ha ok that is actually brilliant.
Are you twelve?
'cause if you’re not you’re incredible.
Gracie university is actually a gay bestiality cult which indoctrinate young guys into the ways of riding each other and the hunting down and sexually assaulting of prepubescent brown bears.
Dressed as clowns.
I will not shut up.
But neither will I shut up.
Ha! checkmate I win!!!
Gracie University is a gay bondage jail where three meals a day of Thai ladyboy shit and vomit are then shitted and vomited into the mouths of all the other students.
As a passtime, they grapple 12-year-old girls with their penises.
(Dargentus, I challenge you! My depravity with the the English language shall be absolute!)
Gracie university is a hole in the ground where old gay whores go to defecate onto the captured, raped-to-death remains of true martial artists.
It is an abscessed tumour on the ringpiece of ju-jitsu where the only language spoken ‘the ghey’ and the only currency is random, unfocused pedophillia…
(Helmutlvx I answer your challenge! Let the torment of the rageposter be the mark of my supremacy!)